
Winners of the ESFS Awards 2024 – Locus Online

Winners of the ESFS Awards 2024 – Locus Online

The European Science Fiction Society (ESFS) has announced the Hall of Fame Awards, Achievement Awards and winners of the Chrysalis Awards for emerging talent.

Hall of Fame Awards

Best Author

  • WINNER: Adrian Tchaikovsky (Great Britain)
  • Pierre Bordage (France)
  • Guido Eekhaut (Belgium)
  • Marc Elsberg (Austria)
  • Lanfranco Fabriani (Italy)
  • Vesela Flamburari (Bulgaria)
  • Adnadin Jasarevic (Montenegro/Bosnia-Herzegovina)
  • Igor Rendić (Croatia)
  • Marina Tena (Spain)
  • Maxime Weber (Luxembourg)

Best Artist

  • WINNER: Iris Compiet (Netherlands)
  • Vadim Antonyuk/Vadym Antonyuk (Ukraine)
  • Nora “Nono” Back (Luxembourg)
  • benSwerk/S. Beneš, (Germany)
  • Zbigniew Bielak (Poland)
  • Claudio Castellini (Italy)
  • Veselin Chakarov (Bulgaria)
  • Libertad Delgado (Spain)
  • Korina Hunjak (Croatia)
  • Elena Vieillard (France)

Best Magazine

  • WINNER: Fantastic! (Germany)
  • Dracula (Bulgaria)
  • Droids & Druids Magazine (Spain)
  • Fantasy Magazine (Italy)
  • Gandahar (France)
  • In Tenebris (Belgium)
  • Morina Kutija (Croatia)

Best Publisher

  • WINNER: Wydawnictwo IX (Poland)
  • Ciela (Bulgaria)
  • Local public broadcaster Radio Bijelo Polkje (Montenegro)
  • Memoranda (Hardy Kettlitz) (Germany)
  • Les Moutons électriques (France)
  • Nakladatelství Epocha (Czech Republic)
  • Obscura Editorial (Spain)
  • Withoutears (Austria)
  • Swan River Press (Ireland)
  • Vivat Publishing (Ukraine)
  • Zone 42 (Italy)

Best Promoter

  • WINNER: Brian Nisbet (Ireland)
  • Barbra Bucci (Italy)
  • Bookworm Dreams Youtube Channel (Croatia)
  • Stefan Cernohuby (Austria)
  • The Citadelata team (Bulgaria)
  • Фантастичні Talk(s)/Fantastic Talk(s) Youtube channel (Ukraine)
  • Udo Klotz (Germany)
  • Viktoriya Lajoye & Patrice Lajoye (France)
  • Cristina Macia (Spain)
  • Dragic Rabrenovic (Montenegro)
  • Science Fiction & Fantasy Society (or Gérard Kraus) (Luxembourg)
  • Śląski Klub Fantastyki (Silesian SFF Club, ŚKF) (Poland)
  • Heidi van der Vloet & Martijn Lindeboom (Netherlands)

Best Translator

  • WINNER: Anna Gustafsson Chen (Sweden)
  • Silvia Castoldi (Italy)
  • Karen Gerwig (Ireland)
  • Manuel de los Reyes García Campos (Spain)
  • Hannes Riffel (Germany)
  • Michel Pagel (France)
  • Srebrenka Peregrin (Croatia)
  • Богдан Стасюк/Bohdan Stasiuk (Ukraine)
  • Yavor Tsanev (Bulgaria)

Awards for achievements:

Best Fictional Work

  • Land of hope, Ian McDonald (Ireland)
  • Perry Rhodan: AtlantisAnonymous, ed. (Germany)
  • InternemosisCelia Corral-Vázquez (Spain)
  • “Het hart van de zomer” (“The Heart of Summer”), Petra Doom (Belgium)
  • Dark forests, deep waterJelena Dunato (Croatia)
  • “Finding Day”, Caroline Hofstätter (Austria)
  • Vergruisde stemAnthonie Holslag (Netherlands)
  • Макс Кдрук (The Colony)Max Kidruk (Ukraine)
  • huntingEmil Minchev (Bulgaria)
  • SolarPunkEditor: Helle Perrier (Denmark)
  • RossignolAudrey Pleynet (France)
  • Anthology of contemporary Balkan literatureDragić Rabrenović, ed. (Montenegro)
  • House of Open WoundsAdrian Tchaikovsky (Great Britain)
  • CosmopediaAlessandro Vietti (Italy)
  • GangreneMaxime Weber (Luxembourg)

Best Artwork

  • WINNER: Cover Art for Slavic Supernatural by Antonio Filipović (Croatia)
  • EuroCon 2022 poster by Nora Back (Luxembourg)
  • “Trinacria Station” by Franco Brambilla (Italy)
  • Cover for Colonies by Alain Brion (France)
  • Card for Octocon 2023 by Jog Brogzin (Ireland)
  • “Winter Dragon” by Sandy Butchers (Netherlands)
  • Labyrinth Bestiary by Iris Compiet (Netherlands)
  • “Realms of Imagination” by Sveta Dorosheva (Ukraine)
  • Cover for From Andromeda to Uptopia by Reinhard Habeck (Austria)
  • Illustrations to works by Joe Abercrombie by Taras Kopanskyi (Ukraine)
  • Cover illustration for The Magic Library by Timo Kümmel (Germany)
  • Cover for The Phantom Self by Phillip Tzonkin (Bulgaria)
  • Cover for Good morning by Marina Vidal (Spain)

Best Fanzine

  • WINNER (tie): Another worldSolarpunk Special Edition (Luxembourg)
  • WINNER (tie): SF-Forum 141 (Sweden)
  • A and A 164 (France)
  • White cabbage 24 (Poland)
  • This is fantastic! 6, Ukraine special edition (Ukraine)
  • faun 1 (Austria)
  • HSF 2023-4 (Netherlands)
  • I Kratko 7, AI Special Edition (Bulgaria)
  • Sveti Stefan 15 (Croatia)
  • An ambiguous utopia 13, Special Edition Daniela Piegai (Italy)
  • Vampire of late capitalism 1 (Spain)

Best work for children

  • WINNER: How do you bring the bees back?Maya Bocheva (Bulgaria)
  • Little Perry: The Secret of the Wandering PlanetOlaf Brill & Michael Vogt (Germany)
  • Three tasks for a dragonEoin Colfer, illustrated by PJ Lynch (Ireland)
  • MÉTO: Black ZonesYves Grevet (France)
  • Super glitterMelanie Laibl (Austria)
  • Sasha and Flint: A magical melodySandra Martins (Luxembourg)
  • Leyendas del Recreo 4: Conspiracy in the NightAlbert Monteys & El Hematocritico (Spain)
  • The Miglio of CenereDario Orillo (Italy)
  • The Elements of AkiranNinja Paap-Luijten (Netherlands)
  • Monsters and fake superheroesBart de Wolf (Belgium)

Best Internet Publication

  • WINNER: Landing Zone Glasgow: The Glasgow 2024 Worldcon Blog (UK)
  • Another World (Luxembourg)
  • Arkush (Ukraine)
  • Citadelata (Bulgaria)
  • Delos SF (Italy)
  • El Caballero del Árbol Sonriente (Spain)
  • Mora FM (Croatia)
  • Fantasy news from Guido Latz (Germany)
  • (Montenegro)

Best Dramatic Presentation

  • WINNER: The Magic School: A Fantasy Musical (Bulgaria)
  • Blasphemous 2 (Spain)
  • Bod Obnovy (Czech Republic)
  • A good omen Season 2 (UK)
  • Communion (Luxembourg)
  • Mars Express (France)
  • Rubicon (Austria)
  • The Swarm (Germany)
  • Sicci (Italy)
  • First Star: Revel in Time (Netherlands)

The Chrysalis Awards

  • Finn Audenaert (Belgium)
  • Lucio Besana (Italy)
  • Marie Erikson (Germany)
  • Ivana Geček (Croatia)
  • Elitsa Hristova (Bulgaria)
  • Marguerite Imbert (France)
  • Nacho Iribarnegaray (Spain)
  • Zuzana Johanovská (Czech Republic)
  • Audrey Martin (Luxembourg)
  • Ralph Alexander Neumüller (Austria)
  • Сергій Пильтяй/Serhii Pyltiai (Ukraine)
  • Courtney Smyth (Ireland)

Ian Watson (UK) was honored as European Grandmaster.

The winners were announced at Erasmuscon, which will take place in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, from 16 to 19 August 2024. For more information, visit the ESFS website.

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