
Why is Kelly Ripa not on her show? Live missing co-host

Why is Kelly Ripa not on her show? Live missing co-host

Once you know the reason, you will understand completely.

By Jamie Lee

Published on August 12, 2024, 3:13 p.m. ET

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Where exactly is Kelly and why is she missing from her place on Live? And more importantly, will she come back? Don’t worry, fans – we’ve got all the info below.

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Why isn’t Kelly Ripa on her show? The co-host was missing from “Live.”

As viewers know, Kelly usually hosts the show alongside her husband, Mark Consuelos. But if you tuned in during the week of August 5, 2024, you probably noticed that Kelly was missing. And if you tuned in on Monday, August 12, and noticed that Kelly still hasn’t returned, then you’re probably demanding some answers.

Fortunately, the answer is — according to a production source familiar with Decision makers – is that Kelly and her family are simply taking their annual summer vacation. In fact, we even took a look at the family’s separate Instagram pages to see if we could find any clues, but all we found was a picture of eldest son Michael in front of a cool waterfall, which doesn’t exactly narrow things down. But at least it looks like fun!

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OK, OK, so now that we’ve gotten that out of the way…when can we expect Kelly back? Live? Unfortunately, we can’t predict that. But at least we know that the family is just enjoying a nice vacation together. After all, Kelly and Michael are definitely busy with their various appearances, so they could probably use a breather.

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