
Who owns the material for the authentic jungle legend’s exploits?

Who owns the material for the authentic jungle legend’s exploits?

Who has the real resources for the authentic jungle legend?

Arguments about food preparation duties, exams that are touted as the salvation of humanity and the longing for television presence. In this episode of the ntv podcast “Ditt, Datt & Dittrich” we delve into the beginnings of the South African jungle myth.

The RTL jungle retreat is currently treating viewers to a legendary spectacle. Are you excited? Each episode can be seen one day in advance on RTL+. The candidates have already completed five days of the two-week wilderness retreat full of hardships and arguments. An ideal time to review the events that are described in detail in the ntv podcast “Ditt, Datt & Dittrich”.

Who is in the lead? Why doesn’t Giulia Siegel let go of the cooking utensils? How inspiring is the self-proclaimed team strategist Thorsten Legat? What do climate change and marine conservation have to do with a jungle rating? And who has what it takes to become a real jungle icon? This episode of “Ditt, Datt & Dittrich” deals with these and other topics.

On the popular RTL+ platform, viewers can watch the jungle tour a day earlier. Despite the broadcast on RTLplus, there were several disagreements between the participants of the RTL jungle tour.

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