
While game actors go on strike to protect AI, the head of Amazon Games says we need more AI and that it won’t “take away our jobs” because “we don’t really have any acting in games”

While game actors go on strike to protect AI, the head of Amazon Games says we need more AI and that it won’t “take away our jobs” because “we don’t really have any acting in games”

While SAG-AFTRA members are striking against some of the world’s largest video game makers for better protection against artificial intelligence, the head of Amazon Games remains pretty sure that bringing artificial intelligence into game development is a good idea – partly because “we don’t really have any acting for games.”

Amazon Games CEO Christoph Hartmann told IGN he hopes AI can speed up the development process, which can take “up to five years per game” at AAA studios – leaving those developers constantly behind the current zeitgeist. Hartmann said: “Hopefully AI will help us streamline processes so that hand-work can be faster. Ideally, we can shorten it to three years so we can iterate more, which in turn will bring budgets down a little bit.”

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