
What if the other half of the NFL had white helmets?

What if the other half of the NFL had white helmets?

What if the other half of the NFL had white helmets?What if the other half of the NFL had white helmets?

Last week I published an article about how half of the 2024 NFL teams will wear a white helmet at some point this season, either as part of their primary uniform or in another look.

Long-time reader and contributor Marc Mayntz was fascinated by my piece and he took on the task of graphically designing alternative white helmets for the other sixteen teams that currently have no white hats.

I think we can all agree that the NFL is not need more white helmets, but that doesn’t mean Marc can’t make suggestions. I have to be honest, I could definitely use a few of them, but I think about six or seven of the current teams with spare white helmets would have to throw theirs away first. Still, some interesting concepts!

Tell Marc what you think in the comments below. Here’s Marc with…

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The other half…
by Marc Mayntz

Last week’s article about half of NFL helmets being exposed to white-out conditions got me thinking, “What if the league made it mandatory to go full Leucistic?” Sorry, I don’t have any hype videos and my digital graphic design skills are novice at best. Brief explanations of each helmet are as follows:

Atlanta Falcons

The original (best) Falcon with the modern color palette. The gold stripes of the original helmet frame the center stripe.

Baltimore Ravens

The original alternate logo with the raven head, which the Eagles allegedly challenged for copyright infringement. The center stripe imitates the Maryland flag.

Carolina Panthers

Another helmet with a second logo. Similar to the black helmet the Panthers use, but more minimalist.

Chicago Bears

Basically a color inversion of their 1963 NFL championship helmet.

Detroit Lions

I was hoping the Lions would revive the 1960s lion on their new uniform, but instead it is used on their “Michigan Winter” helmet. The center stripe matches the alternate “car” logo.

Houston Texans

Basically their original helmet design in the Oilers colors… oops… I mean H-Town Blues.

Kansas City Chiefs

I moved the arrowhead to the middle stripe and made the letters bigger. One color stands for Kansas, the other for Missouri. I’ll leave it as an exercise for the reader to figure out which is which.

Las Vegas Raiders

In a move akin to donning Superman’s cape, I placed the Raider within the outline of the Vegas shield, complete with gold trim since the original color scheme was black and gold.

LA Rams

Like the Bears, basically a color inversion of their helmet from the late 60’s/early 70’s.

New Orleans Saints

The Saints march in full Mardi Gras theme, complete with intricate “beads” as a centerpiece.

New York Giants

A mashup of their Super Bowl winning logos.

Philadelphia Eagles

The next team to switch to white bowls is the most obvious, if only to revive these beauties.

Pittsburgh Steelers

In a move that amounts to spitting in the wind, the Steelers’ logo is being changed. Only one fan base would probably react more negatively to their white helmet…

San Francisco 49ers

Considering how well 49ers fans respond to a radical change in their logo (e.g. the 1991 one-day logo), it would likely result in dogs and cats living together in harmony.

The Seattle Seahawks

There is only one way to make a Seahawks helmet.

Washington Commanders

I was going to copy the Federals and recolor them, but this works pretty well too.

Washington Federals

After careful consideration, I also created the model of the Federals.

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Thanks Marc! Pretty interesting set you came up with. I think at least some of them are a lot better than some of the other helmets out there.

Readers? What do you say?

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