
We have given to the Lord what belongs to God

We have given to the Lord what belongs to God

Jesus said to them, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” And they were amazed at him. (Mark 12:17)

In Jesus’ day, people had trouble giving the government what was due to it. Today, as followers of Jesus Christ, we seem to have trouble giving God what is due to God.

“Christian” is a category in the life of a believer in Jesus that should be higher and more significant than “American,” “Democrat,” or “Republican.” But as we look at the course of this election year, it seems that our isolation, our strong disagreements, and our desperation have led many of us to put all or most of our energy into trying to “save our nation” by deciding who is President of the United States and who governs our Congress.

Please note that responsible politics plays an important role in Jesus’ statement. Jesus wanted the disciples of his day to give to Caesar what was Caesar’s, but he did not want the disciples to give to Caesar what was God’s.

God tells us to have no other gods before Him. (Exodus 20:3) We are to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. (Matthew 22:37) This means that ultimately, we trust in His sovereignty over our land first and foremost, not in our abilities or the abilities of others.

When I look at the situation in our country, I have to say that I have been very disappointed in both the Democrats and the Republicans over the past year.

If the Democrats and Republicans have done anything this past year, it’s shown us once again that Jesus is our only hope as a nation. Politics won’t save us, changing pronouns won’t save us, praying to other gods won’t save us, recalling elections won’t save us, women’s reproductive rights won’t save us, loving who you love won’t save us. The Democrats and the Republicans won’t save us. Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life and the only hope in this life that order, unity and true salvation will be restored to our nation. (John 14:6)

At a critical time in the life of the nation of Israel in Jesus’ day, when Judas came to betray Jesus, Peter drew his sword and cut off the soldier Malchus’ ear. Jesus immediately rebuked Peter, saying: “He that taketh the sword shall perish by the sword.” (Matthew 26:52) If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, let these words cause you to pause, pause, repent, and reflect. Perhaps you will even spend some time fasting and seeking God, as Ezra and Nehemiah did during Israel’s rebuilding.

Jesus put his ear back to the man.

They watched him listen to the “enemy” again. That’s how powerful Jesus is, that’s how different Jesus is from you and me. I feel the fear, I have an opinion. I, too, am tempted to give to Caesar what is not God’s. I am tempted to take matters into my own hands, just like Peter. But Jesus tells us not to. He tells us to get our act together. He asks us, begs us, to allow this to be a time when we are more Christian than American.

In His Word He tells us that we are citizens of another city. A city whose builder and creator is God. (Hebrews 11:10) We love our country and want the best for our country, for our children, grandchildren and the generations to come, but at the expense of our faith?

Jesus asks us to trust Him. Yes, after Jesus healed Malchus’ ear, Jesus was still arrested. Sometimes God’s plan doesn’t look like our plans. That’s why Isaiah said His ways are not our ways, nor His thoughts our thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8)

We are a divided nation. If we turn around, humble ourselves, see His face and turn from our evil ways, we can heal our nation through prayers to Jesus. May we all be on our knees asking God to humble our leaders by whatever means He chooses to get their attention and do His will.

There is still time, but Jesus is our only hope. Let us fall on our knees, pray and fast and give to God what is his and ask God to take care of the emperor.

Stop being rigid in your politics.

Open your hands to him.

From church history we learn that after the resurrection of Jesus, Malchus believed, became a church founder and pastor, and led many to Jesus.

God knows what he is doing, trust him.

Listen to him.

Obey him.

He’s got it!

He will make good out of it.

He always does that!


Pastor Kelly

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