
We are working to strengthen connections between employers and K-12 across the country

We are working to strengthen connections between employers and K-12 across the country

We are working to strengthen connections between employers and K-12 across the country

The InvestEd program launches thanks to support from Duke Energy, local chambers and the Indiana Commission for Higher Education

Invest Hamilton County has launched a new initiative, InvestEd, that focuses on work-based learning (WBL) experiences for students in grades K-12 across Hamilton County.

Invest Hamilton County’s role focuses primarily on the employer connections needed to facilitate the 1,000+ high school WBL experiences planned for fall 2024 between the six local school districts. Other local partners include the OneZone, Westfield and Noblesville Chambers of Commerce.


“The state of Indiana is in a time of transformation when it comes to workplace-based learning experiences, and Hamilton County schools are, as always, at the forefront of these innovations,” said Mike Thibideau, president and CEO of Invest Hamilton County. “Our network of business partners, many of whom already work directly with schools, are seeking resources and coordination to address the many opportunities these expansions present for students and businesses.”

Invest Hamilton County received an Intermediary Capacity Expansion Grant directly from the Indiana Commission for Higher Education (CHE) and is an intermediary partner in the Career Coaching Grant from the Central Indiana Education Services Center (CIESC). The organization also received additional support for InvestEd programming from the Duke Energy Foundation.


“Duke Energy is proud of our dynamic partnerships and relationships in the community,” said Mark LaBarr, government and community relations manager for Duke Energy. “As a local employer and community partner, we see the value this initiative will bring to local schools, businesses and, most importantly, students.”

To learn more about these programs, visit

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