
Waterloo Road shows Kelly Jo’s grief in pregnancy story

Waterloo Road shows Kelly Jo’s grief in pregnancy story

Spoilers for “Waterloo Road” follow.

Tonight’s episode of Waterloo Road (February 13) saw even more heartache and suffering for Kelly Jo, who had an abortion following her recent pregnancy.

A few weeks ago, we learned that Kelly Jo was pregnant with her boyfriend Dean’s child. After Kelly Jo took a pregnancy test at school, she told Dean that she wanted an abortion.

At the beginning of tonight’s episode, Dean tried to convince Kelly Jo not to have the abortion, but Kelly Jo would not be persuaded.

a person looking at another womana person looking at another woman


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At school, Dean told Kelly Jo’s best friend Samia about the pregnancy in an attempt to get her to change Kelly Jo’s mind, but Samia went to her friend’s house to offer her support.

“You know what, Sam? Everyone thinks this is easy, but it’s not. I think it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life,” Kelly Jo told Samia. “I just don’t want to be a mother yet.”

Samia then accompanied Kelly Jo and her mother to the hospital, where Kelly Jo was preparing for an abortion.

After Samia called Dean and told him that Kelly Jo was going to undergo the procedure, a heartbroken Dean decided to freak out at school and drink vodka with Mr. Guthrie’s daughter Libby.

a woman in a white shirta woman in a white shirt


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When Libby invited Dean for a private chat, she confessed that she found Dean attractive and said, “You need to relax. Have fun. Enjoy it. I mean, do that and you’ll soon forget Kelly Jo.”

Then the two kissed. Later, after leaving the hospital, Kelly Jo and Samia went to school and looked for Dean, who was kissing Libby in a closet.

As Libby and Dean left the closet, a shocked Samia and Kelly Jo came in. A crying Kelly Jo said, “No way, is this a joke? How could you, man?”

Crying, Kelly Jo told Dean that she trusted him while Libby watched and grinned.

Elsewhere, teachers were worried about taking over the academy and Andrew collapsed because he had pushed himself too hard.

Waterloo Street will be broadcast on BBC One and BBC iPlayer.

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