
Washington County Public Library launches puzzle exchange | News, Sports, Jobs

Washington County Public Library launches puzzle exchange | News, Sports, Jobs

A partially completed puzzle sits on a table at the Marietta branch of the Washington County Public Library. The puzzle is part of the branch’s new puzzle exchange program that launched this month. (Photo by Michelle Dillon)

The Marietta branch of the Washington County Public Library started a puzzle exchange program this month.

According to Melanie Singer, director of the Marietta branch of the Washington County Public Library, the puzzle exchange program was announced in August.

According to Baker, singer and local resident Judy Baker began talking about launching the program in June.

“My husband and I spend part of the year in Florida. The local library in Venice, Florida, and the condominium library have puzzle swaps. I thought it was a great idea because you don’t have to pay $15 or $20 for a puzzle.” said Baker.

When Baker returned to Marietta, she went to the Marietta branch and talked to Singer about starting a puzzle exchange.

“She set it in motion, so to speak,” Singer said about Baker.

“I was really excited because I didn’t expect to come here, present my idea and then hear someone say, ‘Yes, let’s do it!'” said Baker. “She did.”

She thought about hosting a puzzle exchange at the Marietta store but couldn’t find space for it, Singer said.

“And then luckily we were playing with our YA section and I thought, ‘This would be the perfect place for this.'” Said Singer.

The puzzle exchange works by a person bringing a puzzle and leaving it there, then taking another puzzle home and bringing it back. People are encouraged to bring a puzzle, but they are not required to bring one in order to take one home, Singer said.

According to Singer, all of the puzzles were donated to the puzzle exchange program, and although the program has just begun, people have already come forward to participate.

“Puzzles seem to be getting faster and faster… I think COVID has kind of accelerated that and things like that,” Said Singer.

Singer says she likes puzzles because they pass the time and you don’t have to sit in front of a screen the whole time you’re solving them.

“If I remember correctly, it actually helps you think.” she said.

Baker also likes puzzles.

“I’m always so active that it feels good to just sit for half an hour and use my brain instead of every other part of my body.” she said.

Both Singer and Baker said puzzles have a therapeutic effect.

Anyone interested in the puzzle exchange can contact the Marietta office at 740-373-1057.

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