
Updated list of interested parties contains some surprises

Updated list of interested parties contains some surprises has released its updated prospect lists reflecting the 2024 draft class, and when you take a look at the A’s new “Top 30,” you’ll notice that some selections are higher or lower than expected.

That’s the nature of an inexact science like trying to evaluate talent in Minor League Baseball. I’ll leave a more in-depth analysis to the inimitable Garrett Spain, but here’s a “Blogfather Snapshot” of some of the rankings that particularly caught my eye…

5th place: Henry Bolte

As expected, the A’s top 4 got a big boost from the draft. Jacob Wilson (#1) and Luis Morales (#3) were joined by Nick Kurtz (#2) and Tommy White (#4). It was less certain whether Henry Bolte would be rated as the A’s top prospect No. 5, even though he was in the middle of an exciting but also strikeout-filled season.

Bolte just turned 21 last week and is already at AA, but he certainly struggled in his Midland debut, hitting .212/.295/.373 with a worrying 39.1% K-rate. This after shining in Lansing (.278/.393/.519) – but with a 31.8% K-rate.

Bolte’s age and dynamic combination of speed, power and hitting discipline are clearly enticing to’s analysts. Time will tell if Bolte can reduce his Ks enough to earn the spot.

8th place: Max Muncy

Muncy is climbing the list, as he should, but is he high enough yet? In his 21st season, the former first-round pick is already at AAA and he is thriving. After his 4-for-4 game last night, Muncy has a batting average of .291/.382/.520, with a very manageable 25% K-rate. He’s playing SS because he hasn’t yet proven he can’t handle the most demanding position on the diamond.

#9: Measurement jump

Jump, a left-hander out of Louisiana State, was Oakland’s Competitive Balance pick in the 2024 draft. I like him, but didn’t expect him to rank as high as No. 9, especially when you see some of the prospects who ranked below him. For example…

10th place: Denzel Clarke

While Bolte and Jump’s rankings may seem high, Clarke’s ranking seems far too low considering what he has shown in July and August since returning to form following his injury.

There has never been any doubt about Clarke’s talent, as he has “5-tool skills” and is already considered an extremely accomplished defensive CFer. And what he has done recently at AA Midland is as impressive as any minor league player.

In June, Clarke was solid enough with a batting average of .291/.309/.595, 5 HR, and 3 SB in 3 attempts. He didn’t get any walks, but he did impact games. Then things really took off for him.

In July, Clarke hit .371/.436/.671 with 3 home runs, 4 doubles, 4 triples and 10 SB (13 attempts). And so far in August, he’s hitting .333/.442/.444 with 5 SB (6 attempts). And the K rate has dropped to 23.2% in August, down from 24.4 in July – very promising numbers compared to previous seasons.

A “high potential, high risk” prospect, similar to Bolte. I think Clarke and Bolte should be traded – Clarke seems to have that potential and his defensive profile is the better of the two. Right now, Clarke has a good chance of becoming the A’s No. 5 prospect.

These are some of the players whose rankings caught my attention. Feel free to post your suggestions for the “top 10” (or more) and compare them to MLB’s. Chances are AN knows its talent better than the national experts – that’s a low bar, I know, but we’re smart too!

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