
Ukraine celebrates Independence Day: EU reaffirms its support

Ukraine celebrates Independence Day: EU reaffirms its support

As Ukraine celebrates its Independence Day today, the EU reaffirms its unwavering support for the country in its defense against Russia, as long as it takes“Europe will always stand by Ukraine, because Ukraine is Europe,” said EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in her video message. Ukraine is now in the third year of conflict with Russia, which illegally invaded Ukraine in February 2022.

Europe has stood by Ukraine since the first day of the invasion. The EU has provided and will continue to provide Ukraine with: financial, humanitarian, military, diplomatic and moral supportSo far, the EU and its Member States almost 114 € billion to Ukraine and to Ukrainians; offered temporary protection for over four million people fled the invasion and have gathered financial firepower to Help Ukraine resist and recover including the proceeds from frozen Russian assets and the EUR 50 billion Ukraine Facility.

The EU and its Member States will continue to engage with Ukraine urgent military and defence needsin particular through the European Peace Facility and the EU Military Assistance Mission, as well as through direct bilateral support from Member States. In the meantime, Ukraine is taking rapid steps towards EU accession, in line with the EU’s firm belief that Ukraine is Europe.

The EU’s support for Ukraine aims to comprehensive, just and sustainable peace for Ukraine. A solution that restores Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. EU support until peace is achieved reflects the views of the vast majority of Europeans. A recent Eurobarometer survey shows that almost nine in ten (87%) Europeans agree with the provision of humanitarian aid to those affected by the war and more than eight in ten (83%) agree with the EU accepting people fleeing the war.

As a sign ofEU solidarity with Ukraine On its Independence Day, the EU unfurled the Ukrainian flag in front of the European Parliament and illuminated several of its key buildings in Brussels in Ukrainian colours.

More information

EU solidarity with Ukraine

Solidarity with Ukraine

Video message from President von der Leyen

Eurobarometer survey

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