
Two and a half hours to test condom samples: Startup founder faces tight deadline

Two and a half hours to test condom samples: Startup founder faces tight deadline

In the fast-paced world of startups, deadlines are often tight and the pressure to deliver results can be enormous. Founders juggle multiple tasks on a daily basis, often managing everything from product development to marketing, and racing against time. But what happens when the pressure of a deadline collides with an unexpectedly humorous situation? Rahul Krishnan, co-founder of Get Bold Care, recently found himself in this exact scenario, and his experience is making the internet laugh.

Krishnan told a hilarious anecdote about a new condom manufacturer who came to his office at 2:30 p.m. sharp to drop off samples. The samples, delivered in a huge cardboard box, were simply part of the daily workload until the unexpected happened. At 5 p.m. – just two and a half hours later – the manufacturer sent a follow-up message asking if Krishnan had tried the samples yet. In the world of start-ups, where quick feedback is often essential, this request took the concept of fast turnaround times to a whole new level.

The reaction online was swift and full of laughter as users flooded the comments section with their own witty takes on the situation. One person quipped: “I mean, even if you tried it and it didn’t work, you won’t find out for 4-8 weeks, right?”, while another person humorously asked: “You should have asked them that, like you’re going to get it tested during office hours?”

Krishnan, whose start-up rose to fame earlier this year through a viral commercial featuring the Bollywood star Ranveer Singh and porn star Johnny Sins, took the experience in his stride. In a follow-up comment, he clarified that the condoms undergo rigorous testing at the manufacturing facility and go through multiple quality checks before they reach the consumer.

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