
Trump entertains his audience in North Carolina with strange fan fiction about Joe Biden

Trump entertains his audience in North Carolina with strange fan fiction about Joe Biden

Donald Trump will not give up his expressions of sympathy for Joe Biden.

Since President Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, Trump has feigned outrage at Biden’s predicament at nearly every public event and repeatedly suggested that he believes the “very angry” president will use next week’s Democratic convention to force his way back into the race.

All of this is, of course, fan fiction and reads as if Trump is trying to push Biden back into the race, which he believes he can only win with the president as his opponent.

Since Trump doesn’t give up his grievances easily, it’s not surprising that he’s having trouble stopping campaigning against Joe Biden, whose age and unfortunate public missteps in recent months have given Trump an unimaginative yet easy line of attack. Trump’s team has essentially spent the last five years campaigning against the president and is now wary of engaging in a slugfest with Harris, someone who can debate him without any troublesome performance issues.

His inability to move on is evident in his chaotic approach to his attacks on Harris. Even his closest allies are warning him that he is not at the top of his game, raising bizarre questions about her ethnicity and making up boring lies about the size of his crowd compared to theirs. MAGA supporters like Kellyanne Conway and Peter Navarro have been urging Trump in recent days to at least try to engage politically, rather than digging around in the most extreme corners of the internet to find his own quips with which to trash liberals. The whole AI crowd size lie was first put out there by none other than longtime garbage man Dinesh D’Souza.

It’s unclear whether Trump will ever heed the advice of his advisers. A man obsessed as he is, he even opened his rally in North Carolina today by praising Biden for all the votes he received in various states’ primaries this spring and summer, before making the cartoonish claim that it’s actually the Democrats who pose a “threat to democracy.”

Let them have their convention and who knows how that will turn out? Joe Biden is a very angry man, they’ve taken everything from him, they’ve usurped it, they’ve taken it away from him, horribly, horribly. I’m not sure they picked the right man in him, but he got 14 million votes – he got 14 million votes, she got no votes, and when you look at what’s happening, it shouldn’t be happening. They’re a threat to democracy, right? As they say.

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