
Thorsten Legat smashes his head through a wall

Thorsten Legat smashes his head through a wall

– Thorsten Legat hits a wall with his head

The twelve-day stage is complete. For twelve days the Mpumalanga Gang have wreaked havoc. This is usually the point where things start to get mentally challenging. Energy-wise, we are reaching deep into our reserves for the first time, significant battles have been fought and hidden ambitions are starting to surface. In addition, one important factor is important: this is the ideal time to address what is supposed to be the biggest problem.

But this step brings risks and consequences, such as a vacuum of mood and a loss of focus on the general excitement. Talk to your doctor or those in the belligerent group: Even one day after the alleged “F-word” scandal SquadGeorgina and Sarah seemed unable to find peace. The crude “fuck you” phrase was constantly mentioned, discussed and dismissed until one of them was almost deaf in front of the television.

The endless “F-word” loop

“As a mother, you shouldn’t say something like that,” was one of the theories. Thorsten was particularly entertaining Legacy‘s indignation: “Maybe you can say that on some adult shows,” he said, “but this is top notch!” It was amusing how he expressed his disdain for the “F-word” by saying it himself, with the caveat not to say it on TV, of course. What a wonderful concept of freedom of speech!

It also provided ample room for such discussions: the Giulia low was over, interpersonal problems had changed from persistent storms to occasional drizzle. The “F-word” loop continued until suddenly – food was served. We remember the last meal as an excellent mood-lifter, unless snails were on the menu. An annoying turn of events that most campers had to endure, almost as unbearable as the delayed Jungle test.

Accordingly, the slimy things were eaten with great reluctance. While Gigi gasped loudly for air, Thorsten swallowed them as if they were stars, a casual approach that later not only saved his skin but also earned the camp eight stars.

And the loop continues: “You can fart, that’s all”

The journey was tough. In the jungle test “Gray Prison” they went into a tunnel system full of snakes, cockroaches and rats. Legat’s finger was bitten bloodily by rats, and in another place he hit his head so hard that it bled. Thorsten in the underworld had only one thing to say: “The most disgusting thing I have ever experienced in my life!” Or as Danni Büchner put it: “There’s simply no stopping this guy.”

An unexpected wave of frustration swept through the area, the gender gap was now so deep that you could breed crocodiles in it. It was reminiscent of Bibi & Tina, in the spirit of: boys against girls, girls against boys. While the “men’s section” was already dreaming of coronations, the ladies resorted to classic scaremongering. The way Elena shocked the unsuspecting Gigi and almost made him wet his pants in fear was simple but effective. Notable was her harsh criticism of the actual portfolios of the male residents: “They can fart, that’s all.” It should be noted that Gigi in particular has a flatulence frequency that could warm entire villages, and the sounds are quite melodic, potentially opening up new opportunities in the ringtone market.

Jungle Camp: A look into the future

In between, Thorsten Legat discovered that his pubic hair was sparse, Gigi and Eric sang “We Are The World” so badly that Michael Jackson turned in his grave and Kader Loth uttered a sentence of such morbid beauty that you would love to have it tattooed on a jungle-green wall: “We are all lost souls!”

A little tip for today’s conclusion? On day 13, Mola will speak about equal rights. Our prediction: This will be a blast, compared to which the “F-word” discussion is just a sewing circle. Promised.

The disagreement over the use of the “F-word” continued to frustrate Kader, Georgina and Sarah, although Thorsten Legate disapproved of the word and used it himself. Later, during the jungle competition, Legate was faced with several challenges, including a rat bite and a head injury, but his stance remained steadfast.

As the campers faced the challenges of the jungle, tension between the sexes reached a boiling point. Elena criticized the men’s tasks and Gigi’s frequent flatulence became a topic of conversation. Despite these difficulties, Legate’s resilience continued to impress the other campers.

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