
This week’s films from Memphis: “Rear Window” turns 70, “The Good Man” could be good – local news, sports, business and gastronomy from Memphis

This week’s films from Memphis: “Rear Window” turns 70, “The Good Man” could be good – local news, sports, business and gastronomy from Memphis

It’s an uncertain time for the film industry, as the decades-long rise of streaming rocked the industry even before the pandemic. But the industry has recovered from its 2020 low point, and the big moment of “Barbenheimer” and the critical/commercial success of the “Dune” films are reminders that going to the movies can still be a great, public experience.

At the same time, there has been a surprising increase in repertory screenings across the country, bringing older films back to the screen.

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This reminded us that despite the greater convenience and quality of the home cinema experience, the cinema experience is still different. It’s not just that the screen is bigger and the sound is better, but also the attention-focusing sense of envelopment that a cinema provides and the invigorating value of getting out of the house to go somewhere and do something.

Over time, however, it has become more difficult to figure out what is available when and where. As a fan of the movie-going experience, I hope this overview – a test run of a possible weekly column – will help Memphis moviegoers navigate what’s available.

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