
There will never be another game like Final Fantasy VII

There will never be another game like Final Fantasy VII


  • Final Fantasy VII
    revolutionized gaming in 1997 with its groundbreaking technology and captivating storytelling.
  • The diverse cast of characters in
    appeals to players of all generations and evokes an emotional involvement in the story.
  • The iconic plot twist surrounding Aerith’s death shocked players and demonstrated the game’s willingness to defy convention and leave a lasting impression.

Final Fantasy VII stands out as one of the best in its series and one of the best games of all time. Although the game was released in 1997, it still holds up today despite strong competition. There are countless great aspects why Final Fantasy VII is such a great game and combining these two elements into a coherent package has kept it relevant even after all these years.

Final Fantasy VII was a revolutionary game for its time, and for that reason it is important to remember the context of its release. While it was not the first game to contain many of the factors that make it so groundbreaking, the combination of these factors into a game that was accessible, popular and coherent is what sets it apart. Since it was one of the first games where many players experienced these factors, Final Fantasy VII has raised the bar for video games, changed the gaming landscape, and cemented its place among the greats.

The publication time is important

It was a different time when Final Fantasy VII was released

  • The technology of the game was revolutionary for the time.
  • In many other games the focus was not on the story.


Final Fantasy fan reinterprets classic PS1 game

A Final Fantasy fan has remade FF7 into a platform game and is trying to get Square Enix to include it as a Final Fantasy mini-game.

In 1997, the gaming landscape was very different than it is today. Looking back, why Final Fantasy VII was so revolutionary, the context with other games of that time is important. Final Fantasy VII was released on the original PlayStation, which represented a huge technological leap for the industry at the time.

Most games were not 3D and competing consoles had to catch up with the PlayStation’s impressive technology. Final Fantasy VII was released exclusively for the PlayStation 2 years after the console’s release. Although it’s hard to imagine today, storytelling wasn’t very important to gamers back then.

Gameplay was a much more important factor back then, with basic stories like “Save the Princess” providing the basis for starting a player’s adventure. Although it wasn’t the first game with a more detailed story, even in its own series, the Final Fantasy The series did not enjoy much popularity outside of Japan, and some games were not released in the United States until much later. Final Fantasy VII attracted new players because the graphics were a huge improvement for the time and gave players their first experience with a game that focused on storytelling.

At the time of publication FF7 offered players an experience they had never experienced before. For these first-time players, experiencing this story would be overwhelming. Although there are many other games today with amazing stories, this is not the only reason why Final Fantasy VII is such a great game. One of the main reasons the story is so good is the incredible number of characters featured in the game, especially the main group.

The characters are timeless

The characters in Final Fantasy VII are still relevant today

  • Each character is unique and builds a bond with the player.
  • The villains are some of the best in any video game.


The 10 best Final Fantasy parties, ranked

Every Final Fantasy party member has lovable qualities, like Tidus’ infamous laugh or Cloud’s gruff personality. But which party is the best?

While a large part Final Fantasy VII might be considered dated by today’s standards, but the characters in the game are one aspect that will resonate with players of every generation. Each character in the diverse cast brings something unique to the table that appeals to players. These characters are the lifeblood of the story, giving players a bond with the main party that makes the player want to deepen that bond, learn more about everyone, and achieve their goals.

The story of Final Fantasy VII Players take on the role of Cloud Strife as he tries to save the planet, along with the allies he meets along the way. Each of these allies has their own reasons for wanting to save the planet, and their connections with the player evoke deep emotional involvement. By sharing the characters’ experiences, players sympathize with the main characters and then become share their desire to save the planet from the evil that afflicts it.

Each character gets a moment to shine in the story, and while players will certainly root for some characters more than others, there are enough party members for players to resonate with this incredibly well-written cast. Likewise, the game shines through its villains – making a player truly hate the game’s antagonists is a feat that makes players want to defeat them.

Final Fantasy VII offers players many villains to defeat, and each of them stands out for different reasons. Professor Hojo is a disgusting man who experiments on several members of the group, giving players many reasons to dislike him. The Shinra corporation is actively destroying the planet. As players traverse the world and experience its beauty and the characters that inhabit it, they will want to stop Shinra from destroying it all.

However, there is one character who stands above all other characters, as one of the the most ruthless, powerful and absolutely cool villains in all games — Sephiroth. The game makes it clear early on that Sephiroth is a legend. His status in the world is feared and respected by people as he is dangerous and powerful.

Players will even come across some of his handiwork, as he has effortlessly defeated enemies that are very difficult for the main party to defeat. Sephiroth represents the ultimate evil, and while players may not have the greatest motivation to defeat him at first, after one of the biggest twists in gaming history, they will be motivated to put an end to his desires.

An unexpected plot twist that changed the course of gaming

Players still haven’t recovered from the death of a cult figure

  • Players were shocked when an important party member was killed.
  • Death is one of the most iconic moments in gaming history.


Why is Sephiroth so obsessed with Cloud in Final Fantasy VII Remake?

In the Final Fantasy VII Remake, Sephiroth seems to be completely obsessed with Cloud – why is the villain so fixated on Cloud in the first place?

In one of the most notorious moments of Final Fantasy VIIplayers lose one of their most important party members up to that point. Aerith, or Aeris in the original version, was one of the first party members players met and prays with the white materia to stop Sephiroth. This causes Sephiroth to descend from the sky and kill Aerith himself.

Back then, there weren’t many video games that featured such major twists. Even then, killing off someone who played such an important role in the story was unprecedented. Aerith is often seen as the healer of the party, an important role, and many players likely have a lot invested in her and her gear. Players were shocked that such an important character, who was a love interest for Cloud, could be deadThis also gave players a personal reason to hate Sephiroth.

Since that moment, players have realized that no one is safe in a game’s story. Although there have been many games since then with unexpected plot twists, Final Fantasy VII was one of the first games to give players a real surprise in the plot. Even if players know what twist awaits them, it’s hard to resist Aerith’s charm while playing. create an emotional momentfor those who know their final fate.

Fans begged for a remake

Final Fantasy VII Remake became one of the most anticipated games of all time

  • Fans demanded for years Final Fantasy VII to get a remake.
  • The charm of the original game cannot be reproduced.

Nowadays it is common for extremely popular games to be re-released. Final Fantasy VII has had fans clamoring for a remake for many, many years. Fans had fallen in love with the game and its characters over the years and wanted to see them remade using modern technology. While the graphics and some gameplay elements are dated, the core story and themes could work perfectly in a modern video game. Fans were excited when a remake was announced in 2015.

Final Fantasy VII Remake was then published in 2020, became one of the best-selling games on the PS4 and a huge success for the developer Square Enix. The first part of a trilogy of games that tell the story of Final Fantasy VIIFans are excited about the modern version of the popular classic game.

While both New edition And Rebirth have been very well received, they are only as good as they are because of the game they are based on. While impressive graphics, voice acting and modern gameplay are all wonderful additions, the original game is still the blueprint they must follow. The original Final Fantasy VII is still a fantastic game today and although many games have followed in its footsteps, it is safe to say that there will never be another game like it.

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