
Theologian of the Year Megyn Kelly reveals astonishing biblical prophecies about Donald Trump

Theologian of the Year Megyn Kelly reveals astonishing biblical prophecies about Donald Trump

Noted Bible scholar Megyn Kelly has alerted the nation to a profound revelation from God. Her interpretation of Ephesians 6:11 was inspired by the discovery that Donald Trump was shot by a sniper at a rally in Pennsylvania at 6:11 p.m. last month.

Visibly moved by the eternal significance of her discovery, she declared, “Four eleven. We read in the Bible Ephesians 6:11… Listen to this. ‘Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.’

“I’m almost emotional when I read this. It’s just that what happened to him (Donald Trump) and to our country … is extremely serious and extremely important, and we’re all so lucky that it wasn’t worse than it was.”

Professor Kelly made a theological breakthrough at a crucial point in American history, but it remains unfinished to this day.

Further textual analysis in Bible institutes around the world has now expanded on Rev. Dr. Kelly’s research findings. We now know that the entire Judeo-Christian scriptures contain numerous profound messages from the Almighty.

Genesis 6:11 states, “Now the earth was corrupt before God, filled with violence.” This obviously warns against a repeat of the last Trump administration.

Isaiah 6:11: “Then I said, ‘Lord, how long?’ And he said, ‘Until the cities are laid waste and left without people, until the houses are forsaken, and the fields are desolate and laid waste.’” Another sign from God that Trump’s economic policies will once again ruin the USA.

In Ezekiel 6:11, the Covid pandemic under Trump was aptly predicted: “Woe! Because of all the evil and detestable deeds of the people, they will fall by the sword, by famine, and by pestilence.”

This is confirmed in Deuteronomy 6:11, which speaks of “houses filled with all kinds of goods that you have not provided for, wells that you have not dug, and vineyards and olive groves that you have not planted.”

This is God’s judgment on Trump’s failed businesses, corporate bankruptcies, and the debt his administration has accumulated.

In a clear condemnation of Trump’s numerous criminal convictions, Micah 6:11 states: “Shall I acquit a man by false scales, by a bag full of false weights?”

Jeremiah 6:11 denounces all older candidates, with both Joe Biden and Donald Trump clearly at the center: “Both man and woman will be caught in it, and the aged who are burdened with years.”

Amos 6:11 speaks prophetically of the destruction of Mar-a-lago: “For the Lord has commanded, and he will cut in pieces that great house…”

Ecclesiastes 6:11 correctly predicted the speeches at countless Trump rallies: “The more words, the less meaning, and what good is that?”

Nehemiah 6:11 is the prophetic prediction of Donald Trump, who wants to avoid public debates with Kamala Harris: “Should a man like me run away? Or should someone like me go to the temple to save his life? I will not go!”

In the New Testament, 1 Timothy 6:11 commands, “Flee all these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and gentleness.” This confirms that God condemns Trump for not changing his immoral behavior.

Hebrews 6:11 calls on all Americans of good will, regardless of faith or no faith, to work together to put an end to the MAGA madness: “We desire that each of you show the same earnestness to the end, that your hopes may be fulfilled.”

And Job 6:11 predicts the anguish experienced when Steve Kornacki finally announces the winner after a night of counting votes: “What strength have I that I should any more hope? What prospect have I any more that I should be patient?

And people say there is no God!

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