
The Tusker Lite Mt Rwenzori Marathon climaxes with the epic Neon Rave

The Tusker Lite Mt Rwenzori Marathon climaxes with the epic Neon Rave

KAMPALA Kasese really knows how to turn things up and last night was no exception as the Tusker Lite Neon Street Rave lit up the town. The party was the perfect cherry on top of the hugely successful third edition of the Tusker Lite Mt Rwenzori Marathon that took place earlier in the day.

After over 3,600 runners tested their limits while enjoying the natural beauty of Kasese at the foot of the majestic Ruwenzori Mountains, the action wasn’t over yet. Instead, it turned up the heat as Stanely Street, the marathon’s finish line, was transformed into a hub of entertainment that brought the whole town to life.

The line at the entrance snaked down the street, with eager fans waiting impatiently to get in. Many had come with one main goal – to see the star of the evening, Vinka. However, as the evening progressed, it became clear that the local community really appreciated their local artists and they literally stole the show.

Heli Baibe took the stage with her incredible singing talent and left the audience in awe. Her perfectly tuned voice caught attention and made the audience applaud.

Another standout artist was Good Hope, a proud local talent from Kasese, who delivered a performance that had the crowd cheering and dancing, making the night extra special for his hometown.

Aine Dash, Saint Trevor provided high energy throughout the night. DJ Assasin and DJ Shidy both knew their job and delivered one hit after another, while Dance Mamweta entertained the crowd with her exciting dance routines.

And then Vinka arrived. She was welcomed like a hero, with fans cheering her on before she even started, and she did not disappoint. Her energetic performance was the perfect climax to an already incredible night.

When she brought out All Over You, the crowd erupted in cheers that echoed down the street. Vinka brought the fire and Kasese was all in! She also played other hits like Chips Ne Ketchup, Thank God and One Touch that got the crowd dancing and calling for more.

Patience Aguti, Project Manager at UBL, spoke about the importance of launching Neon Rave in Kasese, saying it was a way to connect with the brand’s consumers and the local community.

“The Kasese edition of the Tusker Lite Neon Rave was a platform to celebrate all the runners who tested and challenged themselves during the marathon. It was our chance to share in their enthusiasm and leave a lasting impression on the city that welcomed us so warmly,” said Aguti.

As one local partygoer put it, “This is exactly what Kasese needed – a special night to remember!”

As the Tusker Lite Mt Rwenzori Marathon continues to grow, so does the Neon Rave, becoming a must-attend event that celebrates both the runners and the Kasese community.

Plans are already underway for an even more spectacular edition next year, promising bigger performances, more exciting experiences and another unforgettable night in Kasese.

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