
The position of head chef was taken over by Calzone.

The position of head chef was taken over by Calzone.

– The suggestion of a chair as an alternative to the calzone or the controversy surrounding Gigi’s “aesthetic overqualification”

Day 9 in the jungle, a day full of sensual pleasures among the ten determined camp residents. Sarah K. tries to stay positive: “Hey, we really try to get the best out of the peas: There are crispy, mushy and pea cakes,” she says. The taste is not appealing, the faces of the Francesca Rossi and Hans-Peter Schmidt.** But Schmidt, the tough guy, didn’t let a can of peas get him down. “Peas may not be delicious, but nobody died from eating them,” he notes, the inventor of saucy motivational quotes.

Let us turn to the queen of culinary delights, Isabella GiordanoShe reminisces about a juicy meatball and sums up her food worries as usual: “I’m getting worse and worse! I’m falling apart!” groans the 45-year-old and imagines her exaggerated eye rolling.

Giordano’s younger half, Francesco Birofio, is already hallucinating from hunger: “Wherever I look, I see food. When I look at the ground, I see slices of pizza!” he complains. Birofio is so weak that he stumbles against trees and cave ceilings. Francesca Rossi is worried about Birofio’s health: she gives him more responsibility and appoints him as the new team leader.

Birofio fights as leader of the jungle camp

Birofio is not happy. “I don’t want to be the boss. You have to plan and do and plan and… plan,” he grumbles. In his first speech, he explains his position: “Do what you want and leave me alone. Initiative, people!” After what feels like an eternity, Birofio is already exhausted from the extremely stressful leadership role and asks himself: “Why do I have this burden? I’m too good-looking to work, man! What did I become a reality TV star for? Not to work!” While he is fetching forgotten items from Friederike, he makes a dramatic decision: “From now on, only dating shows in my life!” he vows.

Is it because of the many peas or the lack of meatballs? Whatever the reason, Birofio, sitting alone by the stream, begins to reflect: “I came as a real Casanova…”, now he is just good enough for a “Damn…” And then the time when he was up there: “I flew to Mars. I even planted the flag on Mars,” says the reality TV star, suddenly serious: “I was obnoxious. I’m sorry – sincerely, from the bottom of my heart.”

How Birofio goes from “I will be alone” to “I will be a father” in just a few moments remains another of many fascinating Birofio mysteries. “The meaning of life is to become a father,” he explains, smiling Jonas Habermann**. “Just love and be loved!”, he seems to have found his peace. Habermann remains skeptical and asks if he would ever “give love back”? Birofio: “Physically or emotionally? Oh, I have to get out of here!”

Danni Schäfer: “Mental Encore”

A song that Danni Schäfer can also sing. “They say ‘go to work’, but this job is a mental ‘encore’ for us,” she tells Sarah Knaak in an interview. “Sure, we get a lot of money, but we also do without a lot,” says the “Goodbye Germany” star. This means that the TV nation knows more about Schäfer, her late husband Andreas and their three children than many of her own relatives. Everything is shared, even the most intimate experiences. This time Schäfer talks about her decades-long depression, triggered by a toxic relationship before Andreas, and how therapy helped her.

While communication between the two women is good, an attempt at mediation between Sarah and Juliana fizzles out. Siegel still finds it acceptable to compare Sarah to a Stasi officer. “That’s completely normal language,” she says, and says Sarah can “just look it up” if she doesn’t understand something. Are sentences like “I’ve never had a more difficult conversation partner than you” and “Okay, then talk when you’re finished” in response to “I’m trying to tell you how I feel” also “normal”? One can only hope that this is a major misunderstanding. It is impressive that the younger Knaak is not intimidated by the 49-year-old Siegel: “Juliana could be as old as my mother. But she can’t even say ‘I’m sorry.’ I’m going to stand there.”

The jungle challenge “Paradise Games” pushed Knappik and Elena Miras to their limits. They had convinced themselves that one of them had to leave (which wasn’t true), and even simple questions made their nerves fray. Can you name a few lion names from “The Lion King”, Elena? “Pumba, Zumba and Tamba?” Can you name four African countries? “Mambia, Tanzania, Bridgerton-something? I can’t think of anything!” Since neither Sarah nor Elena managed to throw the stars over the mast, there was no feast for dinner – the anticipation of the hungry people must have been palpable.

After all, it was the wise brother Kader who shared his insights with us every day: “Everyone here will no longer exist in a hundred years – including the film crew,” said the 51-year-old. And that despite the fact that he munched on a lot of artificial cheese.

In the midst of their jungle battle, the camp members discuss the possibility of building a jungle camp, and Birofo mentions, “Maybe we should think about building a jungle camp somewhere.” Later, as the camp members face various challenges, Sarah Knaak suggests, “Maybe we could build a small jungle camp for rest and relaxation.”

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