
The hotness meter for the boys from Harry Potter

The hotness meter for the boys from Harry Potter

By Maui R. Drilon

The Harry Potter film series is finally coming to an end this July, and while we’re a little sad to say goodbye to the witches and wizards we’ve grown to love, we’re pretty grateful for all the eye candy they’ve given us over the past 10 years. Yes, it’s been a decade since the first film came out, and we’ve seen many male characters in Harry Potter films go from squeaky-clean little kids to rough-looking young men (need proof? Pop in your old Harry Potter DVDs and see a rosy-faced Robert Pattinson fighting a dragon). To celebrate, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 At the opening on July 14th, we decided to pay tribute to the guys from Harry Potter.

Neville Longbottom

(played by Matthew Lewis) In recent years, we’ve seen nerds evolve from completely unsuitable types to “ultimate catches.” Thankfully, Neville grew out of his chubby phase just in time to enjoy it! Neville may have been a clumsy coward to begin with, but he’s turned into a brave little soldier who will stop at nothing to help Harry and the gang. It’s also good to know that in order to play Neville, actor Matthew Lewis has to wear yellow and crooked teeth, shoes two sizes too big, and supports behind his ears to make them bigger – so at least we know he doesn’t look like The in real life.

Is super loyal, brave and self-confident = 90

Doesn’t help against the cliché that the English don’t go to the dentist = -30

Sharpness level: 60

Draco Malfoy

(played by Tom Felton) When Draco first appeared on screen, we had flashbacks to Home Alone: ​​He was a sweet, young blond boy who always seemed to be causing trouble. Now he’s grown into a big, mean, Harry and his friends-hating machine, just waiting to show the Death Eaters what he’s made of. (Or not) The permanent leader of the Mean Boys Club at Hogwarts, Draco is a regular ass-kisser for his rich dad, who gets him anything he wants.

Arrogant self-confidence = -40

A bad boy with an overwhelming desire for simply be accepted (similar to a 2 month old puppy) = 90

score: 50

Cedric Diggory

(played by Robert Pattinson) Sure, Cedric only appeared in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Firebut fans couldn’t wait to find out who was cast in the role of the famous “tall and extremely handsome Hufflepuff Seeker.”

And lo and behold, it was a young Robert Pattinson, rosy-cheeked and ten times more refreshing than a large gulp of Edward Cullen. Cedric was the ideal campus crush: not only was he easy on the eyes, but he was also extremely polite, played fair (he offered to re-enact a Quidditch match when he found out Harry had fallen off his broom because of the Dementors), and was generally nice to everyone.

Tall good looking, And super nice = 100

Quick, uneventful death by the killing curse = -15

score: 85

Ron Weasley

(played by Rupert Grint) So Ron is a little whiny, a little slow, and he’s deathly afraid of spiders. But how can we not love Harry’s best friend who finally made girls all over the world give redheads a chance? Ron is fiercely devoted to his family and would give up anything for his friends (especially Hermione). Sure, he has his misjudgments, like that time he left Harry and Hermione to search for the Horcruxes alone. But he’s proven to be a loyal sidekick so many times that we forgive him. We love that we get to see him grow up with the right balance of awkwardness and lovability – and that he finally finds his true love in the end!

Absolute loyalty to his family and friends = 100

The ability to scream like a little girl = – 30

score: 70

Harry Potter (played by Daniel Radcliffe) Do we even need to explain why? We’ve seen this guy transform from the round-faced, sweet little boy we wanted to take home like a puppy from the pet store, into a tall, buff young man with abs we wanted to take home like, er, a guy from the bar. Despite being raised by terrible relatives, Harry grew up to be the loyal, brave, and loving guy we’ve all come to know and love.

So down to earth and humble, despite all the fuss people make about him = 100

Serious Mom/Dad/Sirius Black Issues = -20

score: 80

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