
The Finger Lakes cities are among the most popular travel destinations in New York: check out the list!

The Finger Lakes cities are among the most popular travel destinations in New York: check out the list!

World Atlas has named eight towns in the Finger Lakes region as the most popular in New York, highlighting the area’s charm and scenic beauty.

The list includes Watkins Glen, known for its stunning waterfalls and lakefront activities, and Corning, famous for its glass museum and lively Gaffer District. Other towns include Seneca Falls, celebrated as the birthplace of women’s rights, and Naples, known for its annual grape festival.

Finger Lakes Partners (Billboard)Finger Lakes Partners (Billboard)

Also on the list are Hammondsport with its rich wine tradition, the allure of Lake Geneva, the historic landmarks of Canandaigua and Skaneateles, which is praised for its pristine lake and community events. These towns are known for offering a mix of natural beauty, history and cultural attractions.

THE LIST: Destinations in the Finger Lakes!

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