
The European Film Awards announce the first part of this year’s feature film selection

The European Film Awards announce the first part of this year’s feature film selection



– A total of 29 productions, whose official premiere took place between 1 June 2023 and 31 May 2024, were selected for the awards ceremony.

The European Film Awards announce the first part of this year's feature film selection

Emilia Perez by Jacques Audiard

The European Film Awards ceremony will take place on 7 December in Lucerne, Switzerland, and will honour the greatest achievements of European cinema. The Board of the European Film Academy – advised by a wide range of invited European experts – selected 29 productions as the first part of the Academy’s selection of feature films.

To be eligible for the European Film Awards, European feature films must, among other things, have had their official premiere between 1 June 2023 and 31 May 2024 and be directed by a European director (if the director is not European, he or she must have European refugee status or equivalent status or have lived continuously in Europe for at least five years and worked in the European film industry). Further titles will be announced in September.

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With 26 European countries represented – both EU and non-EU – the list of shortlisted films reflects the excellence of European filmmakers and demonstrates the variety, diversity and creativity across Europe. The announcement is the first step in the three-stage awards process. In the coming weeks, the 5,000 members of the European Film Academy will start watching and voting for the shortlisted films. Based on the votes of participating members, nominations will be awarded in the feature film categories of European Film, European Director, European Actor, European Actress and European Screenwriter, European Documentary, as well as European Discovery and the Young Audience Award (which will be announced on 5 November). In addition to the vote, the shortlisted films will be considered for the Excellence Awards in the categories of European Cinematography, European Editing, European Production Design, European Costume Design, European Make-up & Hair, European Original Music, European Sound and European Visual Effects, which will be judged by an eight-member jury representing the various arts and trades.

The first part of the 2024 feature film selection is:

Arcadia (+see also:
Film review
Interview: Yorgos Zois
Film profile
Yorgos Zois (Greece/Bulgaria/USA)
Armand (+see also:
Film review
Interview: Halfdan Ullmann Tøndel
Film profile
Halfdan Ullmann Tondel (Norway/Netherlands/Germany/Sweden)
Bird (+see also:
Film review
Film profile
Andrea Arnold (Great Britain/France)
Crossing (+see also:
Film review
Interview: Levan Akin
Film profile
Levan Akin (Sweden/Denmark/France/Türkiye/Georgia)
Die (+see also:
Film review
Interview: Matthias Glasner
Film profile
Matthias Glasner (Germany)
Emilia Perez (+see also:
Film review
Film profile
Jacques Audiard (France)
Grand Tour (+see also:
Film review
Interview: Marta Donzelli, Gregorio Pa…
Interview: Miguel Gomes
Film profile
Miguel Gomes (Portugal/Italy/France/Germany/Japan/China)
Hesitation wound (+see also:
Film review
Interview: Selman Nacar
Film profile
Selman Nacar (Türkiye/Spain/Romania/France)
Julie is silent (+see also:
Film review
Interview: Leonardo van Dijl
Film profile
Leonardo Van Dijl (Belgium/Sweden)
Types of kindness (+see also:
Film review
Film profile
Yorgos Lanthimos (Ireland/UK/USA)
kneecap (+see also:
Film review
Film profile
Rich Peppiatt (Ireland)
LifeZeki Demirkubuz (Turkey)
compassion (+see also:
Film review
Interview: Alain Guiraudie
Film profile
Alain Guiraudie (France)
Souleymane’s story (+see also:
Film review
Interview: Boris Lojkine
Film profile
Boris Lojkine (France)
The Count of Monte Cristo (+see also:
Film review
Film profile
Matthieu Delaporte, Alexandre de la Patelliere (France)
The Devil’s Bath (+see also:
Film review
Interview: Veronika Franz, Severin Fiala
Film profile
Veronika Franz, Severin Fiala (Austria/Germany)
The girl with the needle (+see also:
Film review
Interview: Magnus von Horn
Film profile
Magnus Von Horn (Denmark/Poland/Sweden)
The invisible battle (+see also:
Film review
Film profile
Rainer Sarnet (Estonia/Latvia/Greece/Finland)
Vice versa (+see also:
Film review
Film profile
Jonas Trueba (Spain/France)
The Roggenhorn (+see also:
Film review
Interview: Jaione Camborda
Film profile
Jaione Camborda (Spain/Portugal/Belgium)
The seed of the holy fig (+see also:
Film review
Film profile
Mohammad Rasoulof (Iran/Germany/France)
The Shameless (+see also:
Film review
Interview: Konstantin Bojanov
Film profile
Konstantin Bojanov (Switzerland/France/Bulgaria/Taiwan/India)
The substance (+see also:
Film review
Film profile
Coralie Fargeat (UK/USA/France)
The village next to paradise (+see also:
Film review
Film profile
Mo Harawe (Austria/France/Germany/Somalia)
There is still tomorrow (+see also:
Film review
Film profile
Paola Cortellesi (Italy)
Three kilometers to the end of the world (+see also:
Film review
Interview: Emanuel Parvu
Film profile
Emanuel Parvu (Romania)
A love (+see also:
Film review
Interview: Isabel Coixet
Film profile
Isabel Coixet (Spain)
When the light breaks (+see also:
Film review
Interview: Runar Runarsson
Film profile
Runar Runarsson (Iceland/Netherlands/Croatia/France)
Without air (+see also:
Film review
Interview: Katalin Moldova
Film profile
Katalin Moldova (Hungary/Romania)

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