
The Damiano Gambit suffers again in the wilderness of RTL

The Damiano Gambit suffers again in the wilderness of RTL

– Navigating the RTL Wilderness: Another Deviation from the Queen Restriction Strategy

Hanka Rackwitz has voluntarily left RTL’s summer jungle camp. “I want to step on the brakes at the right moment,” explained the reality star (“Renting, Buying, Living”) visibly exhausted during Wednesday’s episode of “I’m a Star – Showdown of the Jungle Legends” on RTL+.

“I could stay, but that would cost me too much.” Before she left, Rackwitz had had arguments with models Elena Miras and Sarah Knappik, among others. She finally uttered the sentence “I’m a celebrity – get me out of here!”, which signaled her departure.

“I am not a woman, but I have a woman at home”

On the seventh day, the mood in the South African jungle has become significantly more tense. Kader Loth described it as follows: “We are dealing with four or five problems at the same time: insomnia, a lack of food, the challenges. And then the arguments among each other. And that is the worst.” The aggression of most campers is now directed at actress Giulia Siegel. The most recent trigger was an argument between Siegel and Loth about the use of the scarce toilet paper in the jungle bathroom.

The discussion quickly became heated. Loth used some toilet paper to discreetly dispose of intimate hygiene products. In the history of RTL, there has probably never been such a long debate about the advantages and disadvantages of tampons as at the beginning of this episode. Former footballer Thorsten Legat began his input with the striking words: “I’m not a woman, but I have a woman at home,” but then had to do a lot of educational work. Finally, reality star Gigi Birofio took on the role of the prominent women’s rights activist: “I don’t have a vagina, but you have the right to use as much toilet paper as you need.”

“I would turn off my TV”

Birofio celebrated his 25th birthday in the camp – and was a little disappointed. As a present he only received the typical cigarettes and not the jungle romance he had wanted. Nevertheless, he was incredibly successful in a jungle race, the rules of which are too complex to explain here. With Legat and Loth he won eight out of eleven possible stars. Birofio put this down to his “intelligence”.

While dark clouds were gathering over Giulia Siegel in the camp, there were rumors that she would be kicked out. However, the actress mostly kept a positive attitude and smiled away the constant criticism around her. Only now and then did tears flow.

“I have rarely been as challenged in a show as I was here,” admits Siegel. She will not back down. Her advice to viewers in the face of so much hostility in the camp was reminiscent of former television educator Peter Lustig: “At this point I would turn off my television.”

“Broom closet meeting” at 8 p.m.

At least Siegel was able to get the most exciting statements of the day in the entire camp out of actor Winfried Glatzeder. What was his first time like? The actor said dryly: “It was a broom closet encounter. That’s how my first child was conceived.” Siegel was astonished: “You had a child the first time?” Glatzeder wistfully: “And I didn’t want to.” He was 20 years old at the time. And he added emotionally: “Nobody has ever asked me that before. You’re the first person to be so brave.”

“I miss watching my favorite shows at home.” After hearing about Hanka Rackwitz’s departure from the summer jungle camp, you may miss the comfort of your living room and your trusty television.

“I’m no longer a fan of reality shows.” After the heated arguments and long debates about toilet paper consumption in the jungle camp, you might lose interest in reality shows like “I’m a Celebrity – Showdown of the Jungle Legends.”

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