
The Brevard County Commission meets Tuesday in Viera

The Brevard County Commission meets Tuesday in Viera

Meeting begins at 9am

VIDEO ABOVE: 08/27/2024 – Brevard County Commission Meeting


C. Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Rob Feltner, District 4
D. MINUTES OF APPROVAL: July 9, 2024 Regular Meeting; July 11, 2024 Zoning
Meeting; August 1, 2024 Meeting on land use planning; August 8, 2024 Special meeting –
E.1. Resolution to recognize September as Hunger Action Month in Brevard County –
District 4
E.2. Resolution to declare the month of August 2024 as Florida Water Professionals
Month – District 1
E.3. Resolution in memory of Nancy Higgs – District 3
F. CONSENT AGENDA (The entire consent agenda shall be adopted in a single motion.
include everything under Section F.)
Development and Environmental Services Group
Mosquito control
F.1. Authorization to submit the grant application and to sign the related agreement, amendments,
and changes after the award of the Ministry’s eco-label
(DEP) Wetland Restoration and Protection Grant for Honest Johns Reservoir
culvert project.
Management of natural resources
F.2. Approval of interlocal stormwater program agreements with: City of Melbourne
Beach, Town of Indian Harbour Beach and Town of Satellite Beach
F.3. Natural Resource Management Lease (NRM) Environment
Restructuring and Compliance Program (ERC)
Planning and development
F.4. Authorization to pay fees for educational institutions (Districts 1-5)
F.5. Approval: Revisions to BCC-100, “Evaluation Procedures for Development Proposals
Under the Live Local Act, which are otherwise not permitted.”
Building Authority
F.6. Approval, subject: Dedication of the permanent access easement, the utility easement and
Permanent drainage and access easement by BG Wickham, LLC for the Pineda
Commons Project – District 4
F.7. Approval, Subject: Dedication of Marsh Harbor Sewer Easement
Homeowners Association, Inc. for Save Our Indian River Lagoon (SOIRL) Sykes
Creek Zone R – Septic to Sewer Conversion Project – District 2.
F.8. Approval, subject: Dedication of the right of way by waiver and drainage
Easement of King SS Associates, LLC for the King Street Self Storage Project – District
F.9. Approval, subject: Dedication of the easement for the sewerage system and assignment of the easement
by MHW Beachside, LLC for East Eau Gallie Business Center – District 4.
F.10. Approval RE: Ratification of West Bay Drainage Emergency Amendment Order 5
Improvement Project and Limited Settlement Agreement – ​​District 2
Community Services Group
Library Services Department
F.11. Approval, Subject: First Amendment to the Lease Agreement with the City of Melbourne for
Melbourne and Eau Gallie Public Libraries
Department of Parks and Recreation
F.12. Approval, RE: Agreement to Amend the Wastewater Services Agreement between Brevard
The County and City of Titusville serve the Manatee Hammock Campground (District 1).
Public Safety Group
Fire department
F.13. Approval to upgrade UKG’s Telestaff software to the latest version and migrate to a cloud
environment and the implementation of modules that allow centralization of employees
time-related documents, reporting and automation of payroll data integration in SAP.
F.14. Board Approval: Renewal of Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity (COPCN)
Support Services Group
F.15. Approval of amendments to Board Policy BCC-21 “Budget and Finance”
F.16. Approval, subject: Budget amendment request
Central Services
F.17. Authorization to tender and use piggyback contracts for goods and
Services for the district offices/district authorities.
F.18. Subject: Appointment of a Special Judge and a Deputy Special Judge to the
Consider matters related to the administration and enforcement of the Brevard
Collection of regulations of the district
F.19. Permission to submit annual supply offers, proposals and calls for tenders or
Negotiate competitive contracts for the 2024–25 county fiscal year.
F.20. Subject: Permission to purchase products or services from the registered supplier for the
The district’s 2024–25 fiscal year.
Human Resources
F.21. Approval of liability, workers’ compensation, crime and aviation insurance programs
for FY 2024-25.
Administrative Services Group
District Attorney
F.22. Decision amending the Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) programme to
Complies with current legislation
F.23. Invoice folder
F.24. Approval of the consolidation of PFMAM (PFM Asset Management LLC) and US BAM (US
Bancorp Asset Management Inc) as the only SEC-registered investment advisor (RIA)
under its parent company USBAM.
F.25. Approval of Amendments to the Brevard County Investment Policy (BCC-49)
G. PUBLIC COMMENTS (Individuals may not post under the first and second
public comment areas.)
H.1. Resolution adopting a list of fees and tariffs for hazardous substances
Special operations team, on-call operation, fire protection and inspection rates.
H.2. Adoption of an adjustment of the fire protection rating rate by three percent (3%) by the Board of Directors
FY2024-25; and ratification, confirmation and certification of the annual fire safety report by the Board of Directors
List of non-ad valorem ratings for services.
H.3. Resolution: Adoption of the Resolution on Stormwater Management for ratification, confirmation and
Certification of the annual special assessment lists for stormwater utilities.
H.4. Public Hearing: Amendment to Chapter 62, Article I, Section 62-2, “Rules for
Construction and Definitions”, Brevard County Code of Ordinances, to
Defining “Large Stop” and adding a definition of “Stop”.
H.5. Repeal of Ordinance 89-29 – State Road 46 Water Connection No. 1 (District 1).
H.6. Adoption and ratification of special levies, fees and charges for solid waste,
Confirmation and certification of the special assessment lists for solid waste.
H.7. Adoption of a resolution establishing user fees for the financial year 2024-2025 for
Melbourne-Tillman Water Control District
Development and Environmental Services Group
J.1. Approval, Subject: Purchase Agreement with Girl Scouts of Citrus Council, Inc. for
the Sykes Creek Zone T Septic to Sanitary Sewer Conversion Project – District 2.
J.2. Legislative intent and permission to announce changes to the structure of the
Citizen Oversight Committee “Save our Indian River Lagoon”
Community Services Group
J.3. Approval, re: Tourist Development Office (TDO) Proposed Financial Year 2024-25 Marketing &
Media plan, approval for the TDO Director to select the vendors, negotiation and
Entering into agreements with media and advertising providers
J.4. Approval to extend the existing TDC/MIRA Amphitheater Grant from April 6, 2024 to
April 6, 2025 and approval of a TDC grant of $1.23 million for the construction of a
Restroom/concession structure suitable for existing and future large events.
K. PUBLIC COMMENTS (Individuals may not post simultaneously under the first and second
public comment areas.)

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