
The Bachelorette August 19, 2024 Eliminates Jeremy Simon In Hometowns (Recap)

The Bachelorette August 19, 2024 Eliminates Jeremy Simon In Hometowns (Recap)

The Bachelorette August 19, 2024 Eliminates Jeremy Simon In Hometowns (Recap)

Hello, Bachelor Nation fans. Tonight, August 19, 2024, another new episode of The Bachelorette 2024 headlined by Jenn Tran aired, and we saw one unlucky contestant come out on top. Tonight’s new episode began with Jenn visiting Devin in Houston, Texas.

He took her jogging around the park and they met some of Devin’s friends. Devin told the private cameras, “I like how Jenn gets along with my friends.” At one point they talked about meeting his family. After that, we got footage of Devin taking Jenn to meet his family. They greeted her with hugs and smiles.

Devin’s mother Jennifer told the private cams that Jenn seemed adorable at first sight. Devin talked to his father. Devin told him, “I see Jenn as someone I can imagine spending the rest of my life with.” Devin’s father told him, “I’m just worried about the relationships Jenn has with the other guys.”

Jenn spoke to Devin’s mother. Jenn talked to her about what she and Devin had in common. Jenn continued, “I have a lot of feelings for Devin and can definitely see a future with him.”

Devin spoke to his mother Jennifer. He told her, “This has been a strange experience for me. It bothers me that there are other guys involved. I love her. This is the first time I’ve ever been truly in love.” Devin’s mother told him, “Don’t hold back and tell Jenn you love her.” Jennifer told the private cameras, “If Devine really wants to be the one, he needs to take the risk and let Jenn know how he really feels.”

After all of that, Jenn and Devin talked one more time to end their hometown date. He told her, “I love you.” She said, “This makes me really giddy and happy. I’m totally falling in love with you and I really see a future with you,” and they kissed.

Next, Jenn visited Jeremy in Fairfield, Connecticut. He took her to a grocery store that sold animitronics and other fun gimmicks. They spent a very playful time there. Jenn told the private cameras, “Jeremy seems to have exactly the qualities I’m looking for.” At one point, they had something to eat and met Jeremy’s aunt.

Next, we got footage of Jeremy taking Jenn to meet his family. They greeted her with hugs and smiles. Jenn spoke to Jeremy’s sister. Jenn told her, “Jeremy and I always have a good time together, but we haven’t expressed our feelings for each other yet. I feel like he’s holding back a little bit.” Jeremy’s sister told the private cameras, “I think Jenn and Jeremy should have gotten to the point by now where they’ve expressed their feelings for each other.”

Jeremy spoke to his sister. She told him that Jenn had said he had put up walls. Jeremy was surprised to hear that. Jeremy spoke to his mother, Karen. He told her, “I’m perfectly comfortable around Jenn.” Karen told him, “You need to take this more seriously. You two are having fun, but what else?”

Jenn spoke to Jeremy’s mother. She told her, “We always have the best time together,” but she hinted that she is worried about how they will be after the show. Jeremy’s mother hinted to her that things need to be taken more seriously and she isn’t sure how they will be as a couple after the show.

At the conclusion of this hometown date, Jeremy told Jenn, “I’m falling in love with you and I really enjoy being with you.” Jenn said, “You’re so sweet,” and they kissed. Jenn told the private cameras, “That was a difficult date. I still had questions after his family seemed skeptical of us as a couple.”

Next, Jenn visited Jonathon in San Diego, California. They greeted each other with big hugs and kisses. He took her to play lacrosse. Afterward, they talked. He told her he wasn’t ready to use the word love yet because he doesn’t take that word lightly. Jenn told the private cameras, “That worries me a little, but hopefully we’ll get there.”

Jonathon took Jenn to meet his family. Jenn spoke to Jonathon’s brother Zach. She told him, “I feel like Jonathon and I are on the verge of falling in love.”

Jenn spoke to Jonathon’s mother Lisa. Jenn told her, “I think Jonathon and I have done a lot of groundwork, but I think he’s holding back a little because of his past relationship.” Jonathon’s mother said of the private cams, “I think Jenn is great.”

Jonathon spoke to his sister Kristy. She told him, “Jenn seems really wonderful. You have to tell her how you feel about her.”

Jonathon spoke to his mother. She told him Jenn said you were being cautious and that was worrying her. He said, “I’ve been waiting to hear your opinion on this before I really tell her what I think.”

At the end of the date, Jenn and Jonathon talked. He told her, “I’m falling in love with you.” Jenn said, “I’m falling in love with you too,” and they kissed. Jenn said of the private cameras, “I’m so excited that Jonathon is falling in love with me. He could end up being my husband.”

Jenn visited Marcus in Tacoma, Washington. He took her for a walk and they talked about meeting his family. He said his adoptive parents wouldn’t be there. Then Marcus took Jenn to meet his family.

Marcus told the private cams, “I’m impressed with how easily Jenn fits into my family.” Marcus spoke to his friend. He told him, “I’m not in love with Jenn yet, but I’m confident it will happen.”

Jenn spoke to his sister Gabby. She told Gabby, “Marcus and I have a nice relationship. I really care about him, but I’m not sure how he feels about me.” Gabby told her, “I know he’s put up some walls because of what he’s been through.”

Jenn said, “I can see myself being in love with Marcus, but I’ve held back because I don’t want to get my heart broken. I’ve been through that before.” Gabby told Jenn, “I really think Marcus is happy with that,” and they hugged. Gabby told the private cameras, “I think Jenn could be the one.”

Gabby told Marcus, “I like Jenn. She’s very nice and sweet.” He told her, “The pace of this show is making it hard for me.” Gabby told him, “Maybe you should let your guard down a little bit because it might be worth it.” Jenn said of the private cams, “I feel so welcome with Marcus’ family. I could imagine Marcus’ family being my own one day.”

At the end of the date, Marcus told Jenn, “I’m falling in love with you. You make me very happy.” Jenn told the private cameras, “I’m so happy to hear those words from Marcus.” She told him, “I’m falling in love with you too,” and they kissed. Marcus told the private cameras, “Jenn is everything I’ve ever wanted.” Jenn told the private cameras, “I can really see a future with Marcus and his family. It feels like everything is falling into place.”

Jeremy, Devin, Marcus and Jonathon all met to talk about their hometown date. After that, we saw footage of the rose ceremony. This included Jenn giving Devin, Jonathon and Marcus a rose. This meant poor Jeremy didn’t get a rose. So he was eliminated.

Jenn escorted Jeremy out. Jeremy told her, “It sucks, but I had the best time.” Jenn said, “All of our moments mean so much to me.” Jeremy said, “I know whoever is in there is going to take care of you. This sucks, but I really just want you to be happy. You will always have a place in my heart,” and they hugged goodbye. Jenn told the private cameras, “I just didn’t see a future with Jeremy.”

Alright, folks. That’s it for the latest recap of The Bachelorette TV show, but be sure to stay tuned for more.

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André Braddox
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