
The 15-year-old tennis prodigy is causing a stir across the country

The 15-year-old tennis prodigy is causing a stir across the country

We’ve heard the term “prodigy” before to describe someone with phenomenal talent, but at 15 years old, it would be hard to describe Taytum Jones as anything other than a prodigy.

He just started his sophomore year of high school at Edmond North. He’s a straight-A student and plays the cello like a concert pro, but that’s nothing compared to his true passion.

“Tennis has always been a sport that I really enjoy,” Jones said.

He started playing tennis at age 9. His mother, Starla Burks, recognized something special about his game, but was more intrigued by Taytum’s enjoyment of the game.

“We didn’t realize it at the time, but he was winning every tournament and we just weren’t really paying attention. And someone said, you know you’re undefeated,” said Starla Burks, Taytum’s mother.

“I don’t want to be arrogant or boast about the progress I’ve made, because it’s all thanks to God,” Jones said.

His coach recognized his potential early on.

“We had a fun night for kids and he didn’t want to eat candy because he had a game after us,” said coach Caitlyn Sagraves.

A discipline that accompanies him to this day.

“On average, I play about two to three hours a day, maybe more. In the summer, I play up to five hours or more, and even more,” Jones said.

His commitment pays off.

“I am sponsored by Diadem and was able to contact them through one of their tournaments,” Jones said.

Jones’ talent has taken him all over the country.

“I was in Florida, last summer in Alabama, this summer in Minnesota, Texas, Kansas and Missouri,” Jones said.

This weekend he will be heading to New York to attend an exclusive camp where only two kids from each region of the country will be invited. During the camp they will attend some US Open tennis matches and meet some tennis pros.

“I’m just grateful to God for giving me these people and the blessings that I have,” Jones said.

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