
Teenager dressed as a Nazi video game character broadcasts stabbing in front of Turkish mosque on live stream

Teenager dressed as a Nazi video game character broadcasts stabbing in front of Turkish mosque on live stream

A crazy Turkish teenager, apparently carrying Nazi paraphernalia, stabbed at least five people in front of a mosque – and broadcast the bloody rampage live on social media.

In graphic footage of the incident, the 18-year-old suspect wearing a skeleton face mask, goggles and a Nazi-style helmet can be seen looking at the camera and then walking into the courtyard of the Tepebaşı Mosque in Eskişehir on Monday with a knife drawn.

There he seemed to be eyeing up a group of men loitering and chatting before selecting one and plunging the blade into his upper body.

The suspect looked into the camera before he started stabbing. Instagram/eskisehirdurum
An unidentified teenager broadcast his rampage live. Instagram/eskisehirdurum

The suspect then stared at several shocked bystanders before chasing another and striking others with his blade.

Throughout the entire clip, which lasted more than two minutes before the suspect was apparently tackled to the ground, he did not say a word. He could only be heard breathing heavily as he ran through a park, a train station and the streets, striking and stabbing his victims seemingly at random.

The suspect carried an axe in his waistband and had a Nazi symbol on a bulletproof vest Instagram/eskisehirdurum

Many of his victims appeared to be older men whom he attacked from behind.

Photos of the aftermath showed bleeding victims and the suspect handcuffed behind his back while police officers stood over him.

He also appeared to be wearing a bulletproof vest bearing the Nazi SS black sun symbol, which has been adopted by far-right white supremacist and racist groups.

He also had an axe in his waistband, but did not appear to have used it in the attack.

At least five people were stabbed with a large knife during the rampage. Instagram/eskisehirdurum

Some local media reported that the suspect was dressed as a character from a video game that served as inspiration for the attack, but his motive remains under investigation.

According to Eskişehir Durum, none of the victims were critically injured, but some were still seriously injured and had to be hospitalized.

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