
What are you playing this weekend? (24 August)

What are you playing this weekend? (24 August)

Now let’s see what we’re going to put up this weekend, okay…? Ollie Reynolds, Editor I am back in the world of silent Hill after seeing the wonderful new trailer for the Silent Hill 2 remake. I’m playing the original Silent Hill on the PS Vita at the moment, and you know what, it’s aged […]

What are you playing this weekend? (August 17)

What are you playing this weekend? (August 17)

Image: Sega Yay, the weekend is here again, and that means it’s time to slip into our comfiest slippers and play a little. Looking back on this week, the most interesting news (well, “interesting” in the sense of “oh god, when will this end”) was that Switch 2 probably won’t launch until after the current […]