
By 2070, the overlap between humans and animals is expected to increase across more than half of the Earth’s land area

By 2070, the overlap between humans and animals is expected to increase across more than half of the Earth’s land area

Contact: (email protected) As the world population grows, more than half of the Earth’s land area is expected to experience increasing human-wildlife overlap by 2070, according to a new study from the University of Michigan’s School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS). This overlap could lead to increased human-wildlife conflict, making it critical for urban planners, […]

Unlocking the potential of AI for good in smart cities

Unlocking the potential of AI for good in smart cities

The concept of smart cities has been gaining momentum in recent years. It is a vision of urban environments transformed by cutting-edge technology to improve citizens’ lives for all. To realize the full potential of smart cities, it will be important to use AI, and especially AI for good. AI for Good emphasizes the ethical […]