
Opinion | Why the World Bank’s actions to tackle the looming jobs crisis show a better way forward

Opinion | Why the World Bank’s actions to tackle the looming jobs crisis show a better way forward

Over the next ten years, the bank says, an unprecedented 1.2 billion young people in the global South will Adults of working age areMeanwhile, the labour market is expected to create only 420 million new jobs, leaving nearly 800 million young people without obvious employment opportunities and no clear path to prosperity. The President of […]

“Survival until 2025”: “Survival until 2025”: The British gaming industry is fighting for the future amid the US strikes

“Survival until 2025”: “Survival until 2025”: The British gaming industry is fighting for the future amid the US strikes

The gaming industry is no longer the niche playground of the stereotypical nerd; it is a universal phenomenon with 3.3 billion gamers worldwide. Video games, from the action-packed Call of Duty to the brain Wordlenow appeal to different demographics across all regions and age groups. Yet despite their booming popularity and projected revenue of $300 […]

The spoilsport’s guide: How the financial crisis can ruin your life – POLITICO

The spoilsport’s guide: How the financial crisis can ruin your life – POLITICO

“Usually they say it’s not an issue for us … but then every three to six months we find out we can’t escape,” said ING’s Brzeski. A recession in the US would make the European Central Bank’s already “overly optimistic” growth forecasts “obsolete,” he said. However, if ECB President Christine Lagarde were asked about the […]