
TikTok faces lawsuit over death of 10-year-old girl, US court rules

TikTok faces lawsuit over death of 10-year-old girl, US court rules

By Nate Raymond (Reuters) – A U.S. appeals court has reopened a lawsuit against TikTok after the mother of a 10-year-old girl died after she took part in a viral “blackout challenge” in which users of the social media platform were encouraged to strangle themselves until they passed out. While federal law typically protects internet […]

If Harris wins, the pro-life movement has no chance

If Harris wins, the pro-life movement has no chance

The intentional termination of an innocent human life is always wrong; so is any abortion and any destruction of a human embryo by an IVF clinic. However, a majority of Americans would never vote to ban all abortions or to ban the destruction of embryos created for IVF. Our country has fallen too far down […]

Another defeat for Scott Kendall: Group fighting to repeal ranked-choice voting wins in Supreme Court

Another defeat for Scott Kendall: Group fighting to repeal ranked-choice voting wins in Supreme Court

After just an hour of oral arguments Thursday morning in the Alaska Supreme Court, the justices unanimously ruled that the petition pamphlets to repeal ranked-choice voting were valid, rejecting attorney Scott Kendall’s attempt to prevent voters from repealing the law he worked so hard to establish. Kendall’s lawsuit was brought because some of the petition […]

Share of black and Hispanic students at elite universities halved after Supreme Court ruling

Share of black and Hispanic students at elite universities halved after Supreme Court ruling

The first class of freshmen at elite MIT since last year’s Supreme Court ruling banning racially conscious affirmative action programs has significantly fewer black and Hispanic students and more Asian students, according to newly released data on the class of 2028. The number of black students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has declined from […]

Three women highlight the horrors of a post-Dobbs world at the 2024 DNC

Three women highlight the horrors of a post-Dobbs world at the 2024 DNC

In joint speeches on the first evening of the 2024 Democratic National Convention, Amanda And Josh Zurawski, Kaitlyn JoshuaAnd Hadley Duvall shared through their own experiences the brutal realities of a post-Dobbs America. Her presence on the first night set the tone for how Democrats will bring abortion rights to the forefront, a critical issue […]

Supreme Court suspends new rules on gender discrimination in education in half the country

Supreme Court suspends new rules on gender discrimination in education in half the country

On Friday, the Supreme Court put new regulations on gender discrimination in education on hold in about half of the United States, rejecting a request from the Biden administration. The court voted 5-4 in favor, with conservative Justice Neil Gorsuch joining the three liberal justices in their dissent. The discussions concerned the protection of pregnant […]

Pennsylvania Supreme Court to present its argument on October 8 on the claim that life imprisonment without parole for murder is cruel

Pennsylvania Supreme Court to present its argument on October 8 on the claim that life imprisonment without parole for murder is cruel

Supporters of abolishing life sentences gathered on the steps of the state Capitol in September 2022 as the Coalition Against Death By Incarceration called on lawmakers to allow parole for those sentenced to life in prison. (Photo: Capital-Star) The Pennsylvania Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on October 8 in an appeal that could bring […]

More than half of respondents in the Pew Research survey have an unfavorable opinion of the Supreme Court

More than half of respondents in the Pew Research survey have an unfavorable opinion of the Supreme Court

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts (left) and Associate Justices (left) Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh stand before President Joe Biden as he delivers the State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC in March. Polls show the Supreme Court has […]

Does life begin at conception? Science has a voice

Does life begin at conception? Science has a voice

I was absolutely convinced morally: life begins at conception. But my conviction was more instinctive than cerebral. Then I started to think. I could be wrong. There are simple answers to life’s most complex questions, but they are often wrong. And who gave me the authority to decide for others when life begins? Complications and […]