
What are you playing this weekend? (24 August)

What are you playing this weekend? (24 August)

Now let’s see what we’re going to put up this weekend, okay…? Ollie Reynolds, Editor I am back in the world of silent Hill after seeing the wonderful new trailer for the Silent Hill 2 remake. I’m playing the original Silent Hill on the PS Vita at the moment, and you know what, it’s aged […]

The best narrative game of 2023 is bundled with other incredible indie games

The best narrative game of 2023 is bundled with other incredible indie games

I keep a list of indie games that I recommend to my friends, colleagues, and random passersby on the street. Slay the Princess, the time-loop horror game from Black Tabby Games, is pretty high on that list. It was one of my favorite games of 2023, and while it didn’t knock Baldur’s Gate 3 or […]