
Seven speculative stories about the preservation of history and culture

Seven speculative stories about the preservation of history and culture

Last year, I spent a lot of time deleting posts from my blog that I didn’t consider “important” – a difficult thing to do, as I’ve explained before.. I thought about obsolescence, about the things we leave behind, and on the days when I was most self-censoring, I would discard dozens of posts at once. […]

Seven speculative stories about the preservation of history and culture

Seven speculative stories about the preservation of history and culture

Last year, I spent a lot of time deleting posts from my blog that I didn’t consider “important” – a difficult thing to do, as I’ve explained before.. I thought about obsolescence, about the things we leave behind, and on the days when I was most self-censoring, I would discard dozens of posts at once. […]

Unwanted Spectral Advances: “How Love Came to Professor Guildea” by Robert Hichens

Unwanted Spectral Advances: “How Love Came to Professor Guildea” by Robert Hichens

Welcome back to Dissecting The dark descentwhere we lovingly delve into the depths of David Hartwell’s groundbreaking 1987 anthology, story by story, exploring the fundamentals of a genre we all love. For a detailed introduction, see the introductory post here. Robert Hichens was a queer journalist, satirist, playwright and novelist who documented the 1890s and […]

Five stories about transformation after death

Five stories about transformation after death

I do not believe in life after death. It has given me great comfort to think that when I am no longer here, will not know I’m gone. Who wants to hang around and watch other people live while you can’t? Who wants to sit there and think forever? Not me, thank you very much. […]