
Creative Writing for Beginners: A Masterclass with Laura Dockrill

Creative Writing for Beginners: A Masterclass with Laura Dockrill

Do you have a passion for writing and want to satisfy this desire? Perhaps you have an exciting story that needs to be told, but you haven’t found a way to tell it yet. This thought-provoking masterclass with Laura Dockrill is designed to get you started, whatever your writing experience. With a generous and playful […]

The death of a couple’s young son makes them rethink their relationship with him

The death of a couple’s young son makes them rethink their relationship with him

It is two days since Holi – the vibrant festival of colours and happiness. The normally quiet lane in the leafy Lokhandwala neighbourhood has changed and is now filled with a fleet of cars, gleaming in the spring sunshine, lining the road. Parking in this area is usually difficult on a normal day, but today […]

Bucks County Short Fiction Contest is accepting submissions

Bucks County Short Fiction Contest is accepting submissions

Submitted photo Bucks County Community College has issued a call for entries in its Bucks County Adult Short Story Contest. The deadline for entries is Thursday, October 10th at noon. The top three winners of the contest will receive gift certificates of $200, $100 and $50, respectively, and will read from their works at a […]

Must-Read Short Speculative Fiction: July 2024

Must-Read Short Speculative Fiction: July 2024

It turns out that some of my favorite stories I read last month were about characters taking revenge on the patriarchy. I can’t imagine what might be happening in the world, so I would really enjoy stories where the patriarchy finally gets what it deserves. Definitely a mystery. And also resurrection. Strange bedfellows. Anyway, here […]

Five long-running anthology series to collect and cherish

Five long-running anthology series to collect and cherish

Who among us is not happy about boxes of different chocolates, each one a complete surprise1even novelty? Anthologies are the narrative equivalent. While one might tire of reading one story after another by the same person2Anthologies mean that you open a box of chocolates containing stories from many authors. The only common denominator: the editor’s […]

Short story competition for adults launched

Short story competition for adults launched

Bucks County Community College has issued a call for entries for its short story contest for adults living in Bucks County. The deadline for submissions for the 2024 Bucks County Short Story Contest is October 10 at 12:00 p.m. The top three winners of the contest will receive gift cards valued at $200, $100, and […]