
Ship brings stone clues to the origin of life from the ocean’s “Lost City”

Ship brings stone clues to the origin of life from the ocean’s “Lost City”

An undated image provided by Deborah Kelley, an oceanographer at the University of Washington, and members of a research team shows the carbonate vents of the “Lost City” complex, a series of tall, jagged stone towers illuminated by the lights of deep-sea robotic submersibles in 2005. Scientists on an expedition to a mid-Atlantic ridge have […]

135 million year old marine crocodile sheds light on life in the Cretaceous period

135 million year old marine crocodile sheds light on life in the Cretaceous period

Enalioetes life reconstruction by Joschua Knüppe. Photo credit: Joschua Knüppe An international team of scientists, including researchers from Germany and Great Britain, has described a new species of ancient marine crocodile, Enalioetes schroederi. Enalioetes lived in the shallow seas that covered large parts of Germany during the Cretaceous period about 135 million years ago. This […]

The 11 best science fiction films of all time

The 11 best science fiction films of all time

From stories that invite you on adventurous journeys through time to mind-blowing ideas that exceed the imagination, science fiction has it all. There are some great films in science fiction, but these are without a doubt the best Entertainment In the world of cinema, science fiction is one of the genres that offers the greatest […]