
An old Russian aircraft carrier burns (No, not Admiral Kuznetsov)

An old Russian aircraft carrier burns (No, not Admiral Kuznetsov)

Summary and key points: A fire broke out on the former Soviet Kiev-class aircraft carrier Minsk, now in China, causing significant damage. The carrier, which is decaying in a man-made lagoon off the Yangtze River, was previously converted into a failed theme park before being largely forgotten. – The cause of the fire is currently […]

Is the Russian Navy on the verge of an epic comeback?

Is the Russian Navy on the verge of an epic comeback?

Summary and key points: The Russian Navy’s recent global deployments, including visits to Latin America and the Indo-Pacific, have raised questions about Moscow’s intentions. While the U.S. Navy remains the dominant high-seas force, Russia has demonstrated its naval capabilities with port visits to Venezuela, Cuba, India and other countries. – These actions could be a […]