
If Harris wins, the pro-life movement has no chance

If Harris wins, the pro-life movement has no chance

The intentional termination of an innocent human life is always wrong; so is any abortion and any destruction of a human embryo by an IVF clinic. However, a majority of Americans would never vote to ban all abortions or to ban the destruction of embryos created for IVF. Our country has fallen too far down […]

Three women highlight the horrors of a post-Dobbs world at the 2024 DNC

Three women highlight the horrors of a post-Dobbs world at the 2024 DNC

In joint speeches on the first evening of the 2024 Democratic National Convention, Amanda And Josh Zurawski, Kaitlyn JoshuaAnd Hadley Duvall shared through their own experiences the brutal realities of a post-Dobbs America. Her presence on the first night set the tone for how Democrats will bring abortion rights to the forefront, a critical issue […]

Women in Texas accuse hospitals of denying necessary treatment to life-threatening pregnancies

Women in Texas accuse hospitals of denying necessary treatment to life-threatening pregnancies

DALLAS – An Arlington hospital is mentioned in one of two federal complaints filed by Texas women who say they were denied necessary care for their failed pregnancies. Both women say they suffered life-altering injuries as a result. Kyleigh Thurman, 25, is one of two Texas women filing a complaint in federal court claiming her […]

Does life begin at conception? Science has a voice

Does life begin at conception? Science has a voice

I was absolutely convinced morally: life begins at conception. But my conviction was more instinctive than cerebral. Then I started to think. I could be wrong. There are simple answers to life’s most complex questions, but they are often wrong. And who gave me the authority to decide for others when life begins? Complications and […]