
She has half her face tattooed and you would never notice.

She has half her face tattooed and you would never notice.

A few weeks ago I came across an article about a young boy who watches TV at 1.5x speed to see as much as possible. It seemed as though his insatiable desire to sit through shows in the Golden Age of Television led him to sacrifice the entertainment value of the show just to get […]

Almost half of non-vegan men are interested in veganism, according to a study

Almost half of non-vegan men are interested in veganism, according to a study

New research from the Vegan Society has found that 41 percent of men plan to go vegan or are interested in veganism. However, concerns about masculinity, health and the reaction of their friends are proving to be barriers. The study shows that more men are open to a vegan lifestyle than previously thought. Read more: […]

PINNACLE AI model improves protein analysis in real-world context

PINNACLE AI model improves protein analysis in real-world context

A fish on land still moves its fins, but in water the results are significantly different. The analogy, attributed to renowned computer scientist Alan Kay, is intended to illustrate the power of context in elucidating questions under investigation. A tool called PINNACLE embodies, for the first time in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), Kay’s […]

Archaeologists claim that the “oldest pyramid in the world”, built 25,000 years ago, is not a human creation

Archaeologists claim that the “oldest pyramid in the world”, built 25,000 years ago, is not a human creation

While the Guinness Book of Records officially lists the Djoser Step Pyramid in Egypt as the oldest pyramid in the world (ca. 2,630 BC), an article published in October claimed that a layer of the Gunung Padang Pyramid in Indonesia was built as early as 25,000 BC – although doubts have since been raised as […]

Have your say on “co-production” in SEND

Have your say on “co-production” in SEND

As part of the Department for Education funded What Works in SEND programme, researchers at the University of Warwick are trying to gather the views of children, young people and parents/carers on co-production and SEND services. They are keen to hear from you about your understanding of co-production and your experiences of it. You asked […]

World’s first rapid TBI blood test unveiled at Orlando Health

World’s first rapid TBI blood test unveiled at Orlando Health

Orlando Health Orlando Regional Medical Center (ORMC) is the first hospital in the world to use a new, groundbreaking blood test to evaluate patients with suspected mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) or concussions. The rapid TBI blood test provides results in as little as 15 minutes and was developed by Abbott in collaboration with the […]

Australia leads the English-speaking world in life expectancy

Australia leads the English-speaking world in life expectancy

An analysis of international longevity data published in the open access journal BMJ opened finds that Australians outlive their peers in five high-income English-speaking countries, including the UK and the US, by 1 to 4 years. The greatest benefit occurs between the ages of 45 and 84, as death rates from drug and alcohol abuse, […]

Archaeologists claim that the “oldest pyramid in the world”, built 25,000 years ago, is not a human creation

Archaeologists claim that the “oldest pyramid in the world”, built 25,000 years ago, is not a human creation

While the Guinness Book of Records officially lists the Djoser Step Pyramid in Egypt as the oldest pyramid in the world (ca. 2,630 BC), an article published in October claimed that a layer of the Gunung Padang Pyramid in Indonesia was built as early as 25,000 BC – although doubts have since been raised as […]

4,000-year-old bone workshop tells story of China’s transition from the Neolithic period

4,000-year-old bone workshop tells story of China’s transition from the Neolithic period

It is unlikely that many readers would suspect that the nearly 20,000 bone needles discovered in northwest China would provide modern scientists with insight into the technological advances that marked the transition between two eras of human development. But they do. A bone needle workshop at a site called Shimao in Shaanxi Province is an […]

4,000-year-old Babylonian tablets finally deciphered

4,000-year-old Babylonian tablets finally deciphered

Researchers have finally deciphered a series of 4,000-year-old Babylonian tablets – and the messages are not about bright hopes for the future, but almost exclusively about death, doom and darkness. The four clay tablets inscribed with cuneiform script predict the death of kings and the fall of civilizations, according to a study recently published in […]