
What are you playing this weekend? (24 August)

What are you playing this weekend? (24 August)

Now let’s see what we’re going to put up this weekend, okay…? Ollie Reynolds, Editor I am back in the world of silent Hill after seeing the wonderful new trailer for the Silent Hill 2 remake. I’m playing the original Silent Hill on the PS Vita at the moment, and you know what, it’s aged […]

An RTX remix project gets a new trailer and a playable Nova Prospect level

An RTX remix project gets a new trailer and a playable Nova Prospect level

Half-Life 2’s Nova Prospekt level is an iconic location: a run-down prison with memorable checkerboard patterns, bugs, and Combine soldiers. There are also plenty of objects to interact with using the game’s gravity gun – like hurling tables at enemies. At Gamescom 2024, lucky visitors will be able to try out the classic level as […]