
Manitoba Book Awards put on hold after study recommends dismantling ‘unsustainable’ program

Manitoba Book Awards put on hold after study recommends dismantling ‘unsustainable’ program

An organizer of Manitoba’s Biggest Book Night said she was “heartbreaking” by the decision to end the awards ceremony, which has recognized literary talent in the province for more than three decades. In recent years, the Manitoba Book Awards have been organized by a coalition of Plume Winnipeg (formerly the Winnipeg International Writers Festival), the […]

We have given to the Lord what belongs to God

We have given to the Lord what belongs to God

Jesus said to them, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” And they were amazed at him. (Mark 12:17) In Jesus’ day, people had trouble giving the government what was due to it. Today, as followers of Jesus Christ, we seem to have trouble giving God what is due to […]

What makes a good president?

What makes a good president?

This post is not going to tell you who to vote for, that decision is yours and hopefully always will be. However, this is an exploration of our views on what is good for our country. In every era, certain values ​​are more desirable than others. In times of chaos, people look for a leader […]

Pennsylvania voters comment on November election

Pennsylvania voters comment on November election

BRADFORD, PA (WKBW) — With the November presidential election less than three months away, with Pennsylvania’s election campaign so fierce, what do voters in McKean and Potter County think should be done to make the country a better place? 7 News reporter Derek Heid traveled to Pennsylvania to ask voters, “What issues are most on […]



As a person, I am an avid fan and follower of American politics. As a pastor, I am a shepherd of God’s people and have the responsibility to spread the gospel, train God’s sheep, and provide advice, recommendations, and wisdom in matters affecting the lives of God’s people. As a citizen of the United States […]

Colorado delegates at DNC ​​say energy is ‘out of this world’

Colorado delegates at DNC ​​say energy is ‘out of this world’

CHICAGO — Democrats from across the country, including dozens of delegates from Colorado, are gathering in Chicago this week for the Democratic National Convention (DNC). “The energy here is just out of this world,” said Joe Salazar, a former state representative who is one of 72 Colorado delegates to the convention. “It’s nothing like what […]

John Kelly criticizes Trump’s comments on the Medal of Honor

John Kelly criticizes Trump’s comments on the Medal of Honor

Former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly on Monday sharply criticized Donald Trump’s claim that the country’s highest civilian award is better than the Medal of Honor. “No president, no member of Congress, no judge, no political official – and certainly no recipient of the Presidential Medal – is ever asked to give his […]

Can the president and vice president belong to different parties?

Can the president and vice president belong to different parties?

(WKYT) – In today’s Good Question, Tony asks: “Has there ever been, or could there be, a case where the president and vice president are from different parties?” This could and has happened in the past, but it is unlikely to happen again. In the first presidential election, there were no vice-presidential candidates. This was […]