
Ancient ocean currents reveal disturbing future for life in the North Atlantic

Ancient ocean currents reveal disturbing future for life in the North Atlantic

Georgia Tech researchers have completed the investigation of how the prehistoric weakening of a major ocean current led to a decline in marine nutrients and negative impacts on life in the North Atlantic. The findings support predictions about how our oceans might respond to a changing climate – and what that means for marine life. […]

UD and Old Dominion jointly propose a new research center

UD and Old Dominion jointly propose a new research center

UD and Old Dominion jointly propose a new research center Jennifer Antonik 21 August 2024 LEWES — The University of Delaware is preparing to partner with Old Dominion University of Virginia and industry leaders who are jointly proposing a new center for research […]

Record-breaking mantle rock extraction could redefine Earth’s history

Record-breaking mantle rock extraction could redefine Earth’s history

Scientists’ groundbreaking recovery of mantle rock provides new insights into Earth’s volcanic activity, elemental cycles and possibly the origin of life, and represents a significant advance in geoscience. An international team has begun studying the role of the Earth’s mantle in supporting life on Earth, driving volcanism and influencing global cycles. Scientists have successfully recovered […]