
Ancient ocean currents reveal disturbing future for life in the North Atlantic

Ancient ocean currents reveal disturbing future for life in the North Atlantic

Georgia Tech researchers have completed the investigation of how the prehistoric weakening of a major ocean current led to a decline in marine nutrients and negative impacts on life in the North Atlantic. The findings support predictions about how our oceans might respond to a changing climate – and what that means for marine life. […]

Estimating cryptogam biomass using taxonomic and life-form models for accurate assessment

Estimating cryptogam biomass using taxonomic and life-form models for accurate assessment

Study locations Cryptogam samples were collected from 18 sites in Japan covering the predominant vegetation types such as alpine, subalpine-subarctic, montane temperate, and premontane warm temperate, based on the vegetation maps of the Biodiversity Center of Japan.26 (Fig. 3, Supplementary Table S1). These sites meet the following criteria: development of typical plant communities and location […]