
“You have to enjoy the good days,” says teacher Stefanie Poland about her journey to breast cancer | Dayofhope

“You have to enjoy the good days,” says teacher Stefanie Poland about her journey to breast cancer | Dayofhope

Teachers typically support their students, but when Stefanie Poland, a teacher at Family Partnership Charter School, learned she had breast cancer, things changed. Students sent her condolences and came to her home to give her gifts, smiles and hugs. Parents, coworkers, family and friends provided meals for six months. And when she ran out of […]

Elisa Razo is grateful for her life and health after battling breast cancer | Dayofhope

Elisa Razo is grateful for her life and health after battling breast cancer | Dayofhope

Whether it’s the hydrangeas and roses thriving in her garden or her restored health after cancer treatment, Elisa Razo of Santa Maria is quick to give credit to those who deserve it most. “We don’t take credit for this. I thank God that I didn’t die. I want to give credit to the family that […]

José Bravo keeps the spice of life despite his battle with cancer | Dayofhope

José Bravo keeps the spice of life despite his battle with cancer | Dayofhope

Cancer treatment may have taken the spice out of José Bravo, but nothing can take the spice out of life for this grandfather of seven boys. “I wish nobody had to go through what I went through. It’s kind of ugly. But if people can get through this, they should just keep an open mind […]

Local communications company hosts annual “Pink Radio Day,” a fundraiser for cancer patients

Local communications company hosts annual “Pink Radio Day,” a fundraiser for cancer patients

ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. – Rugged Radios is hosting its fifth annual Pink Radio Day on Tuesday to raise funds for local cancer patients at Mission Hope Cancer Center. The annual event is held at the headquarters of the Arroyo Grande-based communications equipment company, where the limited edition pink M1 and newly released G1 radios are […]