
PINNACLE AI model improves protein analysis in real-world context

PINNACLE AI model improves protein analysis in real-world context

A fish on land still moves its fins, but in water the results are significantly different. The analogy, attributed to renowned computer scientist Alan Kay, is intended to illustrate the power of context in elucidating questions under investigation. A tool called PINNACLE embodies, for the first time in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), Kay’s […]

I gave up my dream of becoming a doctor despite the threat of debt. It was worth it.

I gave up my dream of becoming a doctor despite the threat of debt. It was worth it.

This essay is based on a conversation with Faith Choo27, who left Singapore’s public health system and now works as a locum doctor. The following text has been edited for length and clarity. Business Insider has verified her employment history. Since I was 13, I knew I wanted to be a doctor. I was inspired […]