
Scientists reveal: Land-sea team destroyed ocean life millions of years ago

Scientists reveal: Land-sea team destroyed ocean life millions of years ago

Scientists are excavating oceans and continents that destroyed life in a tag-team millions of years ago. Image credit: University of Southampton Scientists have revealed how a “tag team” between the oceans and continents wiped out marine life millions of years ago – and changed the course of evolution on Earth. Their study has uncovered a […]

Researchers model the physics of the pumping technology used to generate air in a skateboard halfpipe

Researchers model the physics of the pumping technology used to generate air in a skateboard halfpipe

(a) Simulations for the optimal pumping motion of a skateboarder on a halfpipe. (b) Height and acceleration for different pumping strategies. Image credit: Physical verification research (2024). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.033132 A team of engineers and mathematicians from ETH Zurich, in collaboration with colleagues from the Institute of Statistical Mathematics and the ATR Institute International (both in […]

Moths could use the disco gene to regulate day-night rhythm

Moths could use the disco gene to regulate day-night rhythm

Yash Sondhi was looking for differences in color vision between two closely related moths, one active at night and the other during the day. Instead, he found differences in the way they keep time. Image credit: Jeremy Squire How do two species come into existence? This is a tricky question for biologists. It is generally […]

Is man really “the measure of all things” in the hunt for extraterrestrial life?

Is man really “the measure of all things” in the hunt for extraterrestrial life?

Image credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Enrico Fermi’s midday question in the war zone of Los Alamos: “Where is everyone?” has been both a gift and a problem for scientists ever since. Known as “Fermi’s Paradox,” it simply asks: Why aren’t intelligent, highly evolved aliens everywhere, even though life on Earth is ubiquitous and evolved very […]

Mapping the sexual life of malaria parasites at the single-cell level reveals the genetic basis of transmission

Mapping the sexual life of malaria parasites at the single-cell level reveals the genetic basis of transmission

In the blood of its human host, a small number of asexually reproducing parasites of the Plasmodium falciparum type differentiate to initiate sexual development, that is, the development of gametocytes. Gametocyte development occurs in five different stages and takes about 8 to 12 days. At the end, mature male and female gametocytes at stage 5 […]

Test of a prototype of a quantum internet runs for half a month under New York City

Test of a prototype of a quantum internet runs for half a month under New York City

Caption: Map of the GothamQ network among New York City’s boroughs. Image credit: Physics Magazine via APS To bring quantum networks to market, engineers must overcome the fragility of the entangled states in a fiber optic cable and ensure the efficiency of signal transmission. Scientists at Qunnect Inc. in Brooklyn, New York, have now taken […]

Study discovers context-dependent behavior of antlions after “dead pose”

Study discovers context-dependent behavior of antlions after “dead pose”

An antlion larva (Euroleon nostras) plays dead. Photo credit: Nigel R Franks, University of Bristol A study led by scientists at the University of Bristol shows what animals do after playing dead to avoid being killed by a predator and what the context of this behavior is. The work was published in PLoS ONE. Many […]

By 2070, the overlap between humans and animals is expected to increase across more than half of the Earth’s land area

By 2070, the overlap between humans and animals is expected to increase across more than half of the Earth’s land area

Image credit: CC0 Public Domain As the world population continues to grow, there will be increasing human-animal overlap on more than half of the Earth’s land area by 2070, according to a study from the University of Michigan. Greater human-wildlife overlap could lead to more human-wildlife conflict, the UM researchers say. But understanding where that […]

The search for transparent aluminium: materials science in science fiction

The search for transparent aluminium: materials science in science fiction

Finding the intersection between science and fiction is a big part of what makes science fiction so enjoyable. Not knowing where reality ends and the author’s imagination begins is something I love to explore. I’ve seen so many times throughout history where an author could imagine or extrapolate fictional science and then – sometimes decades […]

Türkiye battles forest fires for third day in a row

Türkiye battles forest fires for third day in a row

For the third day in a row, firefighters are battling a serious forest fire in the Turkish Aegean city of Izmir. Firefighters battled a severe forest fire in Turkey’s Aegean city of Izmir for the third day in a row on Saturday, AFP reporters said, a day after hundreds of people had to be evacuated […]