
Life on Mars? And what about life on Earth? – Marin Independent Journal

Life on Mars? And what about life on Earth? – Marin Independent Journal

Here’s some exciting news. I think. Mars appears to have been partially covered in water until 3 billion years ago, when its atmosphere was blown away by the solar wind. But a recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that enormous amounts of water are still trapped in the […]

Water discovered on Mars could support life 12 miles underground

Water discovered on Mars could support life 12 miles underground

Infographic on the discovery of the Insight Lander – Source: Dr. Vashan Wright, UCSD. If you want to get excited about scientific advances from space, sometimes you have to accept that the most exciting things are often the ones that are least feasible. For example, a study just published by the University of California has […]

NASA’s Mars Rover Perseverance begins epic climb up Mars’ steep crater rim

NASA’s Mars Rover Perseverance begins epic climb up Mars’ steep crater rim

This panorama shows the area that NASA’s Mars rover Perseverance will climb in the coming months to scale the rim of Jezero Crater. It consists of 59 images taken on August 4 by the rover’s Mastcam-Z. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS After 3½ years of exploring the soil and river delta of the Jezero crater, NASA‘s endurance […]

NASA Mars rover ready for epic climb to crater rim

NASA Mars rover ready for epic climb to crater rim

Selfie of the Perseverance Rover from early 2023. NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS Traversing Mars on flat ground is hard enough. It’s sandy, dusty, rocky, windy and cold. NASA’s Perseverance rover will face all of these conditions, but this time on a climb to the rim of Jezero Crater. NASA announced the rover’s ambitious travel plans this week. The […]

Cultural preview autumn 2024: Five fictional works for the reading list

Cultural preview autumn 2024: Five fictional works for the reading list

Welcome to the autumn cultural preview, in which we present the September issue of Bloomberg Business Week. We have already explained five museum exhibitions we are most looking forward toThe Seven new TV shows to watchand the Eight films that will be talked about. Next up: The books you should add to your reading list. […]

MIT study: Mars rock is older than Earth and contains evidence of water and life

MIT study: Mars rock is older than Earth and contains evidence of water and life

Billions of years ago, Mars may have been a very different world. Thanks to the Perseverance rover, planetary scientists are getting closer to unlocking the secrets of the ancient Red Planet. As it explored Mars, the rover focused on the Jezero Crater, a region believed to have been formed by water in the past. New […]

What would it take to transform Mars into a life-friendly planet like Earth?

What would it take to transform Mars into a life-friendly planet like Earth?

When I was in middle school, my biology teacher showed our class the science fiction movie “Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.” The plot captivated me with its portrayal of the Genesis Project – a new technology that transforms a dead alien world into a world full of life. After watching the movie, my […]

Scientists discover a place on Mars that should enable life on Mars

Scientists discover a place on Mars that should enable life on Mars

Seismic data taken by NASA’s InSight landerwhich has since been decommissioned, discovered the presence of large reservoirs of liquid water beneath the surface of Mars. 2 VIEW GALLERY – 2 PICTURES Researchers have known for some time that Mars once hosted large amounts of liquid water, which formed river-like delta systems in various regions of […]

Study raises hopes of finding life on Mars after evidence of water, scientists say – The Irish Times

Study raises hopes of finding life on Mars after evidence of water, scientists say – The Irish Times

Deep beneath the surface of Mars, in fractured igneous rock, there may be a vast reservoir of liquid water. It could be enough to fill an ocean that would cover the entire surface of Earth’s neighboring planet. That’s the conclusion scientists have reached based on seismic data collected by NASA’s InSight lander during a mission […]