
Which cities in Ohio have the best and worst life expectancies?

Which cities in Ohio have the best and worst life expectancies?

Where Ohio residents live indicates their life expectancy. Life expectancy varies by zip code, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Across Ohio, life expectancy ranges from 60 years in a Columbus neighborhood to just over 89 years in a northeast Ohio city. In general, the life expectancy of Ohio residents […]

I come from Japan, what I drink every day for a long life

I come from Japan, what I drink every day for a long life

Growing up in Nara, Japan, surrounded by tea fields, Matcha tea has always been a part of my life. The full aroma and deep bitter and sweet umami taste of this vibrant green tea evokes so much nostalgia in me. When I was in high school, I started taking formal tea ceremony lessons. It was […]

Map shows US states with the lowest life expectancy

Map shows US states with the lowest life expectancy

Life expectancy in America is the lowest of all English-speaking countries, according to a new study. However, there are significant differences within the country, with some states having significantly lower life expectancies than others. “It is well known that life expectancy in America compares very poorly to other high-income countries,” said Jessica Ho, associate professor […]

Life expectancy of Arizona residents has fallen within two years, data shows

Life expectancy of Arizona residents has fallen within two years, data shows

7 Life-Saving Tips for Driving During a Monsoon Storm The Arizona monsoon can be amazing, but it can also be dangerous. These tips could save your life if you’re out and about and a storm is brewing. The Republic New state-level data shows that Arizona residents have a life expectancy of 75 years, lower than […]

What the US must learn

What the US must learn

A study highlights Australia’s higher life expectancy compared to other English-speaking countries, and attributes this success to effective health policies. In contrast, the United States lags behind in preventable deaths, suggesting that adopting similar policies could improve Americans’ life expectancy. Australia exceeds the life expectancy of other English-speaking countries and offers a model for the […]

USA has the lowest life expectancy among rich English-speaking countries, according to study

USA has the lowest life expectancy among rich English-speaking countries, according to study

According to a new study, Americans have the lowest life expectancy compared to other English-speaking countries. The Pennsylvania State University researchers who conducted the study compared death rates from 1990 to 2019 in six English-speaking countries and found that people in Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand live longer on average than […]

Americans have the lowest life expectancy of all English-speaking countries

Americans have the lowest life expectancy of all English-speaking countries

In an analysis of life expectancy of the population of English-speaking countries, Americans came last. According to a study led by social scientists at Pennsylvania State University, citizens of Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand have had, on average, a higher life expectancy since the early 1990s. Life expectancy at birth is […]

Australia leads the English-speaking world in life expectancy

Australia leads the English-speaking world in life expectancy

An analysis of international longevity data published in the open access journal BMJ opened finds that Australians outlive their peers in five high-income English-speaking countries, including the UK and the US, by 1 to 4 years. The greatest benefit occurs between the ages of 45 and 84, as death rates from drug and alcohol abuse, […]

US population has lowest life expectancy compared to peers: “Alarming”

US population has lowest life expectancy compared to peers: “Alarming”

According to a new study, life expectancy in the United States is the lowest of all English-speaking countries. Meanwhile, Australians had a life expectancy four and five years longer than their American compatriots (women and men respectively). “It is well known that life expectancy in America compares very poorly to other high-income countries, but my […]

Concurrent health conditions can shorten lifespan

Concurrent health conditions can shorten lifespan

Share on PinterestCurrent research highlights the influence of comorbidities in diabetes. Image credit: Anastasia Khandozhenko/Stocksy. Approximately 530 million adults worldwide live with diabetes. People with diabetes are at increased risk for developing numerous health complications. When a person has more than one diabetes-related health complication, they are said to have multiple chronic diseases (MLTCs). Researchers […]