
Panama begins deporting migrants from the Darién jungle following agreement with the United States

Panama begins deporting migrants from the Darién jungle following agreement with the United States

The arrival of a flight from Panama To Medellin, Colombia This Tuesday began the deportation of migrants who Darien JungleThis campaign is funded by the US government as part of a strategy to curb migration into its territory. According to the Panamanian authorities, this flight marks the beginning of a new strategy of the government […]

Panama begins repatriating migrants on US-funded flights

Panama begins repatriating migrants on US-funded flights

Panama will begin repatriating undocumented migrants on US-funded flights on Tuesday. This move came less than two months after José Raúl Mulino was sworn in as President of Panama. Mr Mulino campaigned on a promise to “close” the Darién Gap, the dangerous stretch of jungle through which more than half a million migrants crossed last […]

Panama’s president rules out forced repatriation of migrants seeking entry to the United States

Panama’s president rules out forced repatriation of migrants seeking entry to the United States

On Thursday, Panama’s new president ruled out the forced repatriation of illegal migrants who make the dangerous jungle crossing from Colombia to the United States, apparently softening his stance. “We cannot put them in prison. We cannot forcibly repatriate them,” Jose Raul Mulino said at a press conference. Last year, more than half a million […]

Panama dismantles “VIP” route for Chinese migrants in the Darien jungle, a route to the US border

Panama dismantles “VIP” route for Chinese migrants in the Darien jungle, a route to the US border

Panamanian border police arrested 15 people on Wednesday linked to a criminal organization that helped smuggle Chinese migrants through the Darién jungle using a “VIP route” with fewer obstacles. The arrests took place in the city of Santa Fe, near the town of Meteti in the province of Darién, the dense jungle-covered border region between […]