
Exploring the way the mammalian brain represents multiple sequential experiences during sleep

Exploring the way the mammalian brain represents multiple sequential experiences during sleep

Photo credit: Liu, Sibille & Dragoi Sleep is one of the most fascinating phenomena observed in both humans and animals. It is known to be characterized by distinct cycles and types of brain activity. Previous neuroscience studies have found that during sleep, groups of neurons in the hippocampus replay past experiences and predict possible future […]

ADHD medications affected by supply shortages are important for improving quality of life

ADHD medications affected by supply shortages are important for improving quality of life

Forest plot of effect sizes for studies examining the effects of amphetamines (ATX) compared to placebo on quality of life (QoL). Source: Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2024.05.023 Research led by the University of Southampton has found that medication plays an important role in improving the quality of […]