
Is moderate alcohol consumption good or bad for the heart? This is what a Harvard study shows

Is moderate alcohol consumption good or bad for the heart? This is what a Harvard study shows

When we think of partying, the first thing that often comes to mind is the clinking of glasses or the popping of a cork. But how much alcohol consumption is considered moderate and how beneficial is moderate drinking for health? According to a Harvard study, moderate drinking is defined as one to two drinks per […]

Chinese space engineers launch ‘doomed’ pair of satellites into lunar orbit

Chinese space engineers launch ‘doomed’ pair of satellites into lunar orbit

The recovery was achieved by the spacecraft firing its engines in a series of “perigee bursts” aimed at the point closest to Earth, increasing its speed and extending its range, the researcher said on condition of anonymity. The satellites left the Xichang launch center on March 13 aboard a Long March 2C rocket, but failed […]